Six Nations 2019


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Youll have to go through me first. Juhy, while being a relatively sparse poster here, his caustic wit is very much appreciated.

Back off, or youll be done

We’ve got to go to Edinburgh next week and get something now.

This is the sort of shit that happens when i take a night off. @Juhniallio is to be spared and you’ll settle for a fist in lieu of his eye socket. God knows the precedent has been set.

Thats a very weird threat. Why would you want to fuck a fella in the eye socket? Is it a Tory initiation thing?

i see the disgusting posts about Marco Itoje were taken down - the perpetrator of course is still at large- one of the best posters on here was banned as a result of a few screaming marys squealing “admin” after a harmless joke about a horse- however its all fine over here of course

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There was nobody banned over a joke about a horse :smile:

You are giving out about screaming marys getting a fella banned while trying to get a fella banned

my take on rugby its pretty simple really
its a grand sport to watch and the punditry around it can be outstanding with Franno/Paul Wallace and Maddie Williams waxing lyrical- some fine journalism as well with references to the sword of damacles and the pro de duux and top quatorze - we really miss Rugby after Dark tonight with Mick Doyle cc @Sidney.

my issue is that i just love to see the “irish” and munster teams loose,
they are probably the most horrible, smug sporting organisations on the island.
i think it was when the 6 nations started 18 years ago which was in tandem with the whole munster thing that i really began to dislike both teams after really enjoying the 5 nations and attending interpro games in musgrave park with my dad as a young lad
if i wasnt busy yesterday and it was a cracker of a day id of had no problem heading to the boozer for the games as entertainment is fantastic but my overwhelming desire for “ireland” to loose is tremendous…
corporate luncheons, donal lenihan, its disgusting

on rugby punditry - newstalk and OTB’s stock truly has capitulated - i was driving from north kildare to meath on wednesday night and was pleased that at 8pm WNR would be on-
a year or two ago this was a cracking forum with The Sword of Damacles holding court with eddie o sullivan and joe molloy,
last week who was presenting the show but good old john “johnny” ward who after stealing my Leicester to beat pool prediction and putting it on his twitter feed on tuesday then hosted a discussion between an Indo journo and some woman on the merits of the weekend’s fare.
it was horrific stuff-- comapred to Franno and Paul Wallace’s tour de force on friday evening…

who was the first player to lift the celebrity quainch? - im thinking it was 1989 murrayfield?


You almost got full marks. In relation to pundits they’re critique of players is non existant and much like the terms of reference for the childrens hospital i.e. blame systems. They might throw in the odd “oh he must do better there” but other than that its pretty anemic stuff.

Also in the offseason they have gone off and come back with some more made up rugby jargon to give the game some degree of sophistication. I hadnt heard of “Dominant tackles” until yesterday until it showed up on a graphic.

Also the degree of one sided games in pro14 is never addressed. When Munster beat the lion kings 70 nothing it is another epic ruthless efficient encounter just like the epic “arm wrestle” struggle against Exeter. And then you have the non free thinking Irish sheep who think you are a recluse when you have no interest in it. The game is devoid of any real forensical analysis and instead superlatives are used and legends are created. These all feed into the myth and success of rugby. Its real surface level stuff. On the outside looking in yesterday you had a guy with no international experience play FB against your bitter enemies at home. But there is another guy who has played there countless times who is fit and ready over in France but wont be picked because he is over in France even though the same rules didnt apply to the golden boy and darling of Irish rugby. In any other sport with real analysis this approach would be torn assunder but wont even form part of the narrative here. They will be throwing out honoury doctorates and PHDs across UCD, Trinity, UL for years to come to these shower of pending failures for winning a couple of friendlies against the All Blacks. Its laughable really.


I miss the days when Mick Doyle would personally vilify the likes of Neil Francis, Brian Smith, Ralph Keyes and particularly Denis McBride and the two Murphys, especially “Noisy” Murphy, week after week after week in his Sunday Indo column, which I’d accidentally find around the house in all manner of strange places.


“Lion Kings” :clap::clap:



There’s going to be lads trying to recite this post at their workplaces tomorrow to throw a few digs at the Rubby lads. I’d “like” it twice if I could

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Finlay Calder, mate.

i was thinking there who would be an ideal panel for proper rugby discussion-
how about Franno, Paul Wallace and Hugo MacNeil?

I’d like to hear David Campese and Stephen Jones for the international angle.

Are we not the best team in the world anymore so?

Brian Moore perhaps?