Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town

Doubt it bud, maybe S Feiners down here though

Cummo already looking forward to the 2’21 season
You can’t afford to stand still in international


You were on about ireland winning the world cup and spanking nz along the way .

I’ll tell you what, as soon as Choco quotes the posts where I built up his hopes then I will apologise sincerly to the cunt.

The worst of it is, whoever loses has to actually get up and go to the bar for all five. I know exactly which bar that bollox will make us go to. The Woodstock ,where there were once six bar people,six customers at the bar,and I still waited 8 (eight) minutes to get served.
I did it to him last year gri😬

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Not content with being shit at rugby, the cunts want to kill us all with the coronavirus now.


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When do Ireland play Italy?

It’ll have to be postponed now.

Jaysus I hadn’t seen that last Scotland try from the weekend. :rofl: Comical scenes.

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England v Wales about to get under way at Twickenham.

Owen Farrell is some bellend.

How is that not a Welsh penalty?

The rugby crowd probably have a silly phrase for that as well

10 kicks there, one end to the other…awful , awful spectacle

It’s rugby mate… What do you expect

sexual assault

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Hon the Welch. What a score.