Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town

Huh ? I tipped up France for the slam at 14s and the the championship at 5s. You were sifting through posts from 12 months ago on a Monday morning.

Are you not a rugby man yourself who togged for Young Munster back in the day? Surely you could form your own opinion on the merits of the team and not be sucked in by the bandwagoners.

I personally found it inappropriate that British soldiers and military services personnel laid out the Irish rugby union flag. This is a rugby game, not a military tattoo.

A friend of TFK not happy with the protocols at Twickenham over the weekend.

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What? They were all book marked for the right time — I let you off during the WC as you were not long out of a meltdown on here so I went easy on you… You’re the typical bandwagon type that us rubby lads dont need - you built us up to be the best on the planet pre WC and after a few friendly wins - and now youre throwing the pram because they cant win competitive fixtures :man_shrugging: dear oh dear.


You are booking marking posts :rofl:

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We won the grand slam in 2018. That isn’t a friendly.

Yes - It’s very important to remind an idiot what an idiot he is at every opportunity.

I have you seriously wound up since the election.

You’d about two posts on the election and I destroyed you on both counts — Stop moving the goal posts

Terrible to see two Limerick rugby men @anon61878697 and @anon60384913 squabbling like this.

Chocolatemice is on another level of seething at the moment. When Ireland play he can’t win.

I’m not squabbling with anyone pal. Just pointing out the change in tone on here in a matter of a few months — some serious back tracking and windmilling being done.

I said before the World Cup Ireland were going to be in huge trouble With Farrell at the helm.

I get the sense this morning that following the combing through the ashes of the defeat yesterday, were it not for the Stockdale lapse and Sexton unlucky with the bounce of the ball and not missed those routine kicks that Ireland may have won. With Twickenham home advantage being worth a try as well it is not beyond the bounds that this Irish team is actually better than their English counterparts.


Rugby seems to be in a bad way in Limerick at the moment. More players in the Munster academy from Waterford than Limerick. What’s the world come to?

That’s patently not the case. You’re like a giddy schoolgirl, even the other wums are standing back aghast here at this shit show of a performance from you.

Rubby is done in Limerick. Munster killed it.


Limerick is a very poor sporting city.

You need to apologise to @anon61878697. He specifically named you and @anon60384913 as the two that built his hopes up of Ireland winning the World Cup. He still doesn’t appear to be over the disappointment of it all, four months on.

@Horsebox led me up the garden path,.