Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town

Laughed at that too

Kearnivore isn’t going to ruffle too many feathers. A very boring man

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How is your man Ross Byrne in an international squad?

How was the game worth €5m @applecrumbled? Do teams get prize money for finishing higher up the table?

It’s only the Irish squad in fairness.

Stockdale :grin:

Hell be a fine player, good bit ahead of any other alternatives at the minute.


Wales second last in their first 6 Nations post Gatty. As expected the loss of the greatest coach of all time was too much


Losing Gatland set Ireland back about 20 years, Wales are fucked.

Extremely boring.

A bit like the soccer with Dunphy and Gilesy, a lot of the rugby popularity was based on Hooky and Popey talking entertaining scutter in between the action

Kearnivore and Matt Wullums going on about meaturs and mintaluty would send you to sleep.

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Molloy doing everything and anything to absolve the Irish players or coaches of any blame.

Maddy Williams the only one calling them out.

You spent 2 hours of a Saturday night watching a game you hate :grin: your family must hate you.


Seems like Andy Farrell needs a translator for Sinéad Kissane.

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It’s fucking embarrassing. There will never be an rugby Eamon Dunphy, the guys couldn’t handle it.

Jackal and latching are the new words.

Lolz, you’re seething… Great to read up that Ireland are still the big game bottlers they’ve always been.