Sleep - a thread to document your sleeping habits

Galway winning a football match in croke park never happened. The rest is plausible enough.

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I dreamt that I was attacked by the grim reaper last night. But I beat him off with a Hoover.

I was Dyson with death.

May have read that on tfk initially.

Philippe Kahn inventor of camera phone on sleep

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Bullet point it for me there mate. I’d only fall asleep listening to that.

Don’t eat two hours before bed.

Quiet your mind. Meditate.

Working out in middle of the night if you wake up is unreal. Hgh coursing through your body. Ripped.

Ice bath before bed is unreal. Helps hgh and rebuild.

Cooler room is much better. Can increase deep sleep by 20%

Sleeping with somebody else in your room means you are breathing too much C02. Get an air purifier. Open a window.

Disrupting sleep pattern at weekends causes a form of jet lag

Get up when you want to get up. Go to bed when you want to go to bed.

Don’t sleep to a schedule for two weeks.


What would the inventor of the camera phone know about sleep?

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He sees new angles in the ordinary.

I’ll send that on to the boss here and see how it goes

You’ll be doing twice the work in half the time.

He himself sleeps for two and half hours. Does a work out and goes back for another 4 and half hours sleep. Sleeps in two shifts

Any lad not sleeping in two shifts might as well be ating pesticides.


I have often done this but instead of working out I would watch American Football. Might do some weights while watching the NFL in future

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Add a cold shower after it and you will increase your gains by 15%

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Wasn’t there a study done where they basically locked people in a darkened room for min 12 hours (cc @myboyblue) and the natural state was you sleep for about 4 hours, wake for an hour or two, then sleep for another four hours. The middle hour used for chores, prayer, worrying about the plague etc in olden days. Perfect time in this modern age for tweeting, fighting people on the internet etc


@Sidney swears by it. Wouldn’t be able to take the fight stateside without it


That was the pattern pre industrial revolution when we got the introduction of artificial light and the 8 hour working day.

Happier times?

was there many sleep surveys done pre the industrial revolution was there?

Broken sleep like that can lead to Alzheimer’s and other brain related diseases when older…