❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

He acts more and more like Sinead O’Connor by the day. Hes even started looking like her

The future is going to be a strange place.

The young 'fella (16) went to the cinema with his female yesterday to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When he came back home he said to me how some of it was quite sexist. I asked him what he was talking about and he referred to the part where Ron said ‘I was watching them walk, you how I like it when they walk.’

Yer 'wan who he went with is a bit of a social warrior as it is though not as in your face about it as most of them thankfully.


interesting approach from trinity especially after they heeded this


I see they are going after Connery now because he said it was alright to bate the missus if she wouldn’t listen

He’ll hardly mind

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Thats hun logic for you

That’s the way it’s gone these days

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Lucky they weren’t conscripted for a war. A good kick up the hole…


Will this shite ever end?


Would it be Cod?


This isn’t the plaice for that kind of joke.

It’s probably all a red herring anyhow.



We are through the looking glass.

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Are they trying to make out that trannies wouldn’t know that they don’t have a cervix and start looking for smear tests?

I imagine the allowance is for any women who have transitioned or are transitioning to men who would consider themselves men but know full well that they have a cervix.
Unless a uterus gets pulled out of the fully transitioned?
I dunno.
Best of luck to all involved.

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What’s a cervix?

That’s about the height of it.