❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

She shot from the hip and misjudged the mood out there. It’s not like it never happened around here

Got sent this earlier on WhatsApp. Can’t stop laughing at the young Justin Trudeau-alike and definite current TFK poster.


:joy::joy::joy: oh ah

It’s brilliant. Reminds of The Slate magazine years ago had an article called “Blacks in the Jacks”.

:smile: :smile: Jesus

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God bless Bill O 'H


I’d say the twitterati would go buckape if they cottoned on to this video.

Zara, 23, was wokefished too. After being in a relationship with her ex for a year, she realised that some his views seemed really off, in a way they hadn’t to begin with. “[Initially], he seemed very philosophical, artistic and well-read. He was passionate about the environment and staunchly opposed the likes of Jordan Peterson,” Zara recalls.

Telling ya the straight fellas out there being woke is all to get into a young ones pants. Sneaky

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Always been the way. Lads have been doing it for years.

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Some serious TNH stories in there


Reminds me of a recently lapsed poster

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The feminists are correct in saying single straight men only want one thing.

That comedian in Dublin or an MC at some venue, wokefished a lot of ladies…

Fucking snowflakes

Imagine claiming to have been bullied by Tubs :joy: