❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

He resigned because there were allegations of sexual assault or something against him. That was public. He took his own life immediately afterwards. That was clearly connected, everyone accepted that but they still didn’t know the details if the allegations.

What exactly were DCC and the Lord Mayor supposed to do about that? Say “No don’t resign”? An odd and ill-considered post

Lay off the tributes and eulogising him. A “heart of pure gold”. Ffs. She needs to reflect on that.


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why did he top himself? i only saw this case today browsing oirsh media and it peaked my interest

Because he was a dirty raping bastard and was about to be exposed

I read 97 taxi journeys are under investigation. I presume it’s the type of work that demands taxis in certain instances but that seems outrageous. I assume the charity had few controls as this guy had so much power and influence. It’s a tricky one but underlines why we need to remove the influence of these charities and consolidate. There is more than enough money put into homeless services, we need to spend money on the things people need and not admin jobs for people with Twitter profiles.

They should change it for one that includes ‘…but you’re still full of shit.’.

Always thought there much be some overlap between all housing/homeless charities where resources could be pooled together
I’m probably missing something very obvious

The Kinahans paid for the funeral. They have also issued death threats to people that Gardai have taken seriously enough to warn them about. One high profile individual in particular has had to revise their movements.

The mortgage lad?

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Exactly. Cops told him a credible threat.

What’s the kinahan connection? Turning a blind eye to their activities in Dublin City centre?

Would you believe being good community citizens.


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Ah stop. That’s brilliant. What’s that from?

Fuck I haven’t had a period in ages

probably just as well or certain posters might fantasise about sucking on your tampons