❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

Deary deary me.

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Do a twitter search for John lewis advert, sit back by and enjoy your afternoon.
I don’t think there’s anyone not offended by it.


It’s almost algebraic.

Can you throw it up there. Just watched the ad. It’s deadly.

Fucking hell :rofl:

We really do need a war for these people to fight in.


They’ll eat themselves once the power goes out

I’ve been saying that for a few years now. Something real to worry about.

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The funny thing is I’d say John Lewis were expecting plaudits for their wokeness in depicting a boy in a dress.

But I’ve said it before, the mob is fickle.


The offended are also assuming gender of the children. And breaking their own rules by doing so.

Twitter has opened and inserted an IV line into the absolutely and unabashed cuntology artery of people.

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The little bollix wants the shite bate out of him

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Is Sonia a nonce ?

John Lewis have played a blinder :clap:

Outraged the gammons by portraying a boy dressed as a female

Outraged the snowflakes by an over the top portrayal of the ‘trans child’ with “diva like” behaviour.

Both groups make up 90% of Twitter. Should knock a few weeks headlines out of it until it’s time to roll out the Christmas advert featuring a slow version of a classic hit which will outrage the centrist dads on Twitter.


I don’t mean to be bad but could the child in be autistic? Decent ad if so

To be honest I thought the damage he did wa mild enough.

If my lads were let loose like that there’d wouldn’t be much house left, Mica or no mica.d

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Walk out at Netflix today due to Dave Chapelle making jokes about trans folk. Usual folk looking for a canceling

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World is fucking gone crazy lads