So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

Its a fucking joke in fairness. They are strugglibg big time. I have a couple of cops coming into me. Their shifts are fucking mental. Their support is mental. Not one for supporting cops as the carry on of some is a fucking disgrace. However they need to be at least better looked after.
Last monday 1 of the 2 was out due to illhealth. So the other came in and trained with me. The cop was going to work after. This cop was, for the next 10 hours, the only Garda on duty for 30,000 people, with no station open.

I mean come on like, what the fuck is that about? Nobody deserves that. I genuinely felt for the cop. And of course the public deserve better too.

The two tier system should never have come in for any of the public service grades.

The pay deal they were offered didn’t end the two tier system though.

A Garda also pretty much has to have a car as well.

And they use their own phones (so need 2) and don’t get anything back for it. They are totally restricted in how they can deal with the public.

Its the balancing act between living in tge new Neo-Liberal world where you are not able to do a thing and tge otger end of the scale where they abuse their power. The stories they have are unbelievable.


Recent figures said a family car costs up to 9/10k a year. How the fuck would a cop say worked up to 24/25 k after a few years and decides he wants kids do.

Same for everyone else of course.

I believe they cannot fill the places for recruitment.

I don’t think I mentioned new recruits at all and neither did the GRA spokesman this morning.

I do think the new entrants were sold down the river and to be honest if the gov just gave something back for new recruits the unions wouldn’t be happy. It’s their long-standing members they’re angling for.

I think the point about recruitment is important - the point at which you can’t recruit staff is the market (as opposed to a union) telling you you’re underpaying.

Even if salaries were restored to pre-cut levels, which is what was promised, taxes and cost of living have increased. Have a look at the Garda pay scale. Are you suggesting the old one represents largesse?

In fairness though, it’s not a particularly highly skilled job and the qualifications for entry are not especially high.


Yip, benefits of state job not worth it to anyone is a sad state of affairs. Pun intended.

Done well takes a huge amount of skill. But its not surprising to see you not understand the soft skills.

95% of Gardai only require very basic reading, writing and oral skills. Put a brass neck with that and they do their job fine. they don’t even need to be physically fit as most of the new recruits clog up the deli counter queues all day until they are fat enough themselves to sit behind the wheel of the squad while a young buck does the qeuing for them.
only about 5% of guards should be re compensated to the level of other professions where education forms the basis of qualification. those in management, those in special branch dealing with real criminals etc. reward them and make them accountable.
the rest are reasonably paid for checking for tax and insurance and stamping forms etc

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I’m all for giving the new enterants better pay. Cunt of a job and by leaving them poorly paid you leave it wide open to corruption. However none of the cunts in there long term on the good wages with the savage pensions should benefit

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Pretty ignorant comment to start with. But even if it’s not “skilled”, the hardship of the job merits reward.

Minimum requirements are not high, but very few get in that aren’t already third level graduates. Minimum req’s aren’t representative of the levels of those that get in.

In terms of skill, a Garda in Ireland is an investigator, not merely a first responder like in the US for example, no skill in that I suppose.


They should have their increments unfrozen.

You cannot talk to fellas who think “education” comes purely out of a book and that “intelligence” is purely academic or indeed the ability to just regurgitate nonsense back onto a piece of paper.

I don’t necessarily agree with that level of pay but plenty of people start working on that or less, with qualifications.

What kind of a third level graduate would sign up for a job that pays 23k and involves a load of hardship. The guy graduating out of the bottom of the class.

As to your second point. Have you ever actually dealt with the guards?

The pipes never froze out in leafy Cabinteely in fairness to Eoin.

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Anecdotally i am led to believe most new cops have degrees.

But i agree, a qualification does not assure you of anythibg and many have to start low. Thwy don’t generally get spat at, beaten and generally avused though.