So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

yes, its fucked up how badly the public sector are getting paid

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how the fuck could survive on €23k a year in Dublin? you wouldn’t blame a garda for taking a bribe from some criminal in that case.

Ah yeah but then have @Brimmer_Bradley taking a days sick leave because he has to use them up. :rolling_eyes:

if its good for his mental health to use up sick days i can see his rationale

Start living you waste of space.

Thanks for the tip, buddy.

Transdev playing senior hurling now it seems.

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The GRA has ‘unanimously rejected’ a new draft pay deal. Members meeting in Tullamore will now discuss what industrial action will be taken

These GRA boys on the news here now, some stance!!!

Industrial action what will bring down this government yet IMHO. Guards, nurses, teachers, bus drivers and luas all on strike or will be in a 6 month period. Serves the govt right. Blowing about 26% economic growth and refusing a share of 13 billion from corporation tax from the EU.

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Fairly sure they didn’t blow too much about that!!!

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Gardai striking now. Jaysus it will be like the purge on those days.

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FG are bringing us our winter of discontent.

Down to Paddy Powers with ye. Money on Enda giving Michael a visit before the end of October.

If these cunts keep it up there’ll be nothing left to give us private sector folk the €2 a week reduction in our USC


I heard the GRA guy demanding a “restoration” of pay today. I presume he’s referring to the Celtic Tiger largesse. I’d like a “restoration” of the tax regime from those days too but unlike the GRA I’ve a bit more sense that it’s pretty fucking unlikely as that was then and this is now.

Throw the law at them. Yer man said they were breaking the law as they had no other choice and they felt they had to - you’d get sharp shift from the boys in blue if you used that as your excuse for breaking any other law …


Is 23k for the first three years adequate pay for a Garda do you think? I don’t think so. Particularly when you factor in the hours they work and the fact that they have to move far away from home in order to take up the job. That’s before considering the difficulty of the job they do.


This is the problem with terms like austerity and “suspension” of pay rises. Soft cock wording from governments/semi state sector which allows the Unions/rep organisations to come back with their hands out demanding stuff which is long out of date. Social partnership was ran by Bertie as an ego boost.

People of course need some pay rises. Frankly the government has brought this on themselves with their NAMA/housing policy of 5 years. Someone in the public service/semi state renting wouldn’t have felt the drop in USC and other costs of living like fuel because of the rent increases.

Pat Kenny has Eoini O broin on yesterday and he had him rattled to within an inch of his life over the water charges!!! Funny funny shit. Pat was on the wind up big time. Made a valid point that everyone is going banannas over the insult of 2 quid a week benefit in the budget as being a pittance, but when they were asked to pay 2 quid a week in water charges it was a heap of money!

He then started on about Sinn fein facilitating people leaving their taps on all the time, EOB said nobody ever does that Pat youir taking rubbish, Pat said they do indeed in the winter to stop their pipes freezing, EOB then tried to make a case for that being a reasonable approach to avoid your pipes freezing. It was seriously funny shit couldn’t believe how easily Pat got under his skin.


I’m sure nobody does. As usual with unionised public sector, the existing members sold new recruits down the river but looked after themselves. The new recruits since the Landsdown Rd are the only ones how should get increases, not the other cunts. Same for nurses and teachers.