So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On

How about measure it with a simple less than or greater than 23k? You’re avoiding the question.

The question around striking is entirely unclear. It’s certainly not correct to say it’s illegal to strike.

They were offered the rent allowance and frozen increments back. No mention of end to the two tier system. So you’re just making things up now.


Those boys are always on strike, have you seen crime level stats? The only effort these boys put in was when they were trying to stitch-up the whistle blowers. Didn’t see many back up the Wilson and McCabe. Dunkin Donuts have announced an EGM at the announcement of a 4 day strike by our beloved Gardai. I have some sympathy for new recruits but as others have said, that’s the going rate across the board these days. You can be sure current gardai don’t give a toss about them, much like the teachers.


Whatever about the money, Coos conditions have gone to shit. You simply cannot compare them to trainee Accountants etc in that regard.

They have job security and a defined benefit pension, things an entry level accountant will never have. They know what they’re getting in to before they go in. Entry level guards, nurses and other front line staff deserve more than an entry level accountant but it all comes from the same pot so if they want more money it should come at the expense of those who are there longer. It’s their own that are screwing them.

Same as accounting so

The millennials are being screwed by the baby boomers


Its just this sense of entitleme t people from certain professions have. Bean counters have serious notions of themselves.

As do S&C charlatans.

Totally agree. S&C charlatans are terrible cunts.

No one is guaranteeing my pension except me Kev.

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Yip, and thats the course you choose.

As i did. We both have the chance to make way more money than most civil servants. So i think we should stop moaning about them fighting their corner. Like any disagreement pitch high and hope you get better than half way.

Way too much passiveness in Ireland to being treated like shit by the establishment. Coos and teachers are being strapped to a post and fucked goodo.

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It isn’t the same though as in the private sector incremental increases based on years of service tails off after a few years generally. Increases are then based on your performance, company performance and then promotions.

i.e. Just say for example a basic accounts assistant who posts invoices, chases suppliers ect. They might come in on 25k, but a person in the same organisation doing the same job will be only maybe 7 or 8k more. That’s in recognition of them being there longer and naturally being expected to be better at the job. But it will stop after a few years as realistically, you catch up in doing the same job after 4 or 5 years.

In the public service with Gards/Nurses/Teachers that increment on service goes on for longer.

You’ve a 20 year scale there for doing the same job. Under the old ASTI pay scale for example, you had teachers who had taught for 10 years getting paid 15k less annually than someone with 25 years service. The learning curve on being a good teacher is not 25 years, but in lieu of proper performance based assessment of someone’s work which unions don’t want, they have overly long incremental increases in pay.

That’s bad for the users of the service but in terms of “fairness”, it should theoretically even itself out ultimately as you get up there in years yourself. The two tiered pay structure was a disgrace and the unions/older members should be ashamed of themselves. It was a failure by the Government as well though as the inheirant unfairness of this structure would always be used later on as a bargaining chip by unions. Instead of cutting fairly and evenly, they screwed the younger ones whilst older ones made off like bandits.

In terms of what is a “fair” increase now for younger Gards, that is impossible to answer really. But a starting salary of nearly 24k is not unusual for a first time starter in jobs with a degree.

Didn’t teachers get about 2.5k a year more if they had a masters? Could be in bee keeping and the cunts would have qualified for it. Some joke.

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But thats down, generally, to the greed of private industry bosses. So go do it yourself.

That would be my argument/tske on it anyway.

We all have to take responsibility for our choices.

How much would an accountant in a local city practice be earning after 20 years? Assuming training in same place and not an original owner (but possibly partner).

It takes an accountant 4/5 years to learn how to post invoices and chase suppliers??? Fucking hell you must have some idiots working there.


They make the exams incredibly difficult in fairness, but you would have to wonder why. The day to day stuff is mundane enough (as a regular accountant). Is it to make themselves feel inportant?

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Ah here. You’re dammed if you do and damned if you dont. Incentivising higher skilled workers is commonplace and good practice. I would also wager that 95 % of those masters degrees are in related subjects. Quibble about the amount all you like but the practice is sound imo.

Unless its a masters from Trinity, its not worth the paper its written, Irish 3rd level is shocking

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