So, who's striking today? Which Side are You On


Great reply. Well done.

Just a member of ours.

Our House committee deal with a union rep who negotiates on our behalf

Do ye have annual meetings and the likes ?

yep, a couple of other meetings if we have to vote on something

we would have been screwed without the union

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Agree. After the gaa the trade union movement is the biggest voluntary movement in Ireland.

"work"place, I think you mean.

Take that Tesco cunts.


All out strike at Bus Eireann starting next Monday


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Great article by Paddy Smyth, seems like another young star from South Dublin in Fine Gael.

No link there.


Cheers, mate.

He has a lot of valid points but the bus drivers’ stance is that it is a public service and they have seen government cave in on pay demands from guards, teachers, nurses, basically anyone that demands it. They’re wondering why they’re being hit with a pay cut when everyone else is getting a pay rise. The chance to cut public/civil pay service was lost when the Troika left town. This is of the government’s own making.

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Smyth deals with this well.

The Dublin Bus argument was that they are now profitable so they are due something.

But BE is still seriously loss making.

Now it’s everyone else is getting something so so are they want more.

They shift their arguments continually for more dosh.

I agree regarding the unions at large but Labour ensured that wouldn’t happen. Coalitions eh.

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"But the greatest red herring of all has been that the financial losses at Bus Éireann have been caused by the Government’s policy of deregulation of small parts of the bus network and the introduction of competition from private operators.

The introduction of these commercial routes has in fact increased capacity significantly, led to a dramatic increase in passenger numbers using buses, and the creation of many jobs in the sector that would otherwise not exist. A phenomenal achievement given much of this took place during the economic crash."

i.e. race to the bottom


Didn’t Dublin bus drivers forego promised pay rises or something?

The introduction of private bus operators brought down the prices for paying customers. Bus Eireann had a monopoly and could charge what they wanted. They were rarely on time. I was on a bus once, the driver was taking the p!ss he was so slow. Obviously on the clock. I got off at my stop and went in to the shop. On my way out who did I see reading at the magazine rack only the useless cunt of a bus driver. Passengers waiting like lemons on the bus, traffic held up because of him.