Social Media "Influencers"

Great to see you tracking the lives of young wans.


He was the nutritionist for the Tipp Senior Hurlers in 2019.

Iā€™d say thats was some craic for the likes of bubbles.

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Youā€™re some man for the gossip

Pursuant to a post of mine here (post 89 or thereabouts) the aforementioned ā€œinfluencerā€ and her partner are moving into a Large (use Del Trotter voice here - LARGE) 5 bed gaff resplendent with top notch kitchen and spectacular bathrooms this evenings.
Iā€™m reasonably confident this gaff will be featured on her Insta and Snapper accounts and Iā€™d also be confident of serious blowback from the Tattle crew.

@farmerinthecity will be familiar with the location - as you come down from Dromod and just before Clonboney lake thereā€™s a road in to the left. The house is in this road, on an elevated site overlooking said lake with what Iā€™d imagine great views in the Summer (today not so glorious).

Poor old Lauren was shook after a savage verbal assault by Cora Oā€™Donovan.

I have an incredible bank of knowledge on pretty much everything.


Ah for fuck sake.

They obviously bought a site up there but must have refurbished an old house - where else would they get planning permission?

She is some clown. The missus does be showing me her social media.

Heā€™s not a bad lad - the mother is where the snobbishness comes from.


The mayo player?

Is he a Tipp man? Youā€™ve surely encountered him over the years.

The house is relatively new as in about 5 years old. Something tells me is was disposed of with haste and at the behest of others. The legal eagle would possibly have had an inside line and capitalised. Speculation really :wink:

Say she loved the attention all the same. Remember a few whatsapps doing the rounds of her broadcasting all about it.

I have a feeling heā€™s not originally from Tipp.

Could be wrong but I just dont think itā€™s in the mindset for anyone from Tipp to grow up and want to be a nutritionist.


Roz Purcell

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Those Garrihys get some doing on Tattle


My mateā€™s missus is an influencer. Wouldnt be very high level i dont think but They do get a heap of quality shit out of it. Theyd an all expenses weekend paid in a hotel in kilkenny a couple of weeks ago for them and their 3 kids.

A few grads in my spot (who in fairmess are stunning with 5k+ insta followers) would be getting 1500 bean just to throw out a discount code for fashion retailers. They make serious commission too off only a few punters buying clobber with those codes.

Whatā€™s a grad and whatā€™s your spot?

Lots of speculation on their Doolin property empire :eyes:

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