Social Media "Influencers"

Reminds me of clive anderson and jeffrey archer, is there no beginning to their talents


Oops wrong thread

@Batigol Valerie looking well on Instagram there


Like was awarded straight away. Some ride


Fuckin hell


Nothing for the Buff? Not even a sponsored car

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Major supporter of holidaying in Ireland BUT when I read that the other day and saw BF paying RP €5k a day they can fuck off.
Italy or USA this summer now.

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He should be out there flogging ‘merch’ with all his catchphrases.

Mugs, hats, t-shirts, Jumpers the whole lot… He’d make a killing.

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Anna fuckin Geary!!!

Unreal the money R Purcell got. If she can get away with charging it, more power to her. Imagine what the “world famous” influencers are getting paid. If these fuckers didn’t exist tomorrow, it would make zero difference to the world.

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While it seems a bit bonkers, this is money taken from a budget that would have been spent on tv and print media advertising. This seems to be as effective. For reference, a full page colour ad in Irish Times is more than 30k


I suppose this is the way it is now. And probably more effective than the Irish Times as well.

Yep. The big advertising target market is 18-35ish year olds. They’ve got disposable income for the first time, many don’t own houses or have kids, so they’re a real target market. Not many in the bracket read The Irish Times as opposed to going on social media

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Anna fuckin Geary :smiley:

That’s the most important bit of context… What views engagement etc did it generate. You could get a couple of million views on tik tok handy enough for 5 or 10k

Really? Are they not the most fucked financially? No gaffs, giant rent, gig economy…etc. there’s only so many rockshore ad weekends a year they can do…


Long term maybe. But they are spending what they have

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What @gilgamboa said to a certain extent. But they’ve always been the number 1 target.

What i would also query is why give it to Irish influencers who’s reach outside Ireland would be very limited?

Surely if you are trying to promote tourism you want to pushing it to people outside the country? I assume they’ve done an element of that as well.

Edit: I’ve actually read the article now and see they were for internal campaigns around covid times which is fair enough.


Article says it was during covid and aimed at staycationers. The 2 grand for a week in bundoran types.