Social Media "Influencers"

Kids can learn multiple languages.

There is absolutely no reason why we should not be teaching through both from a young age.

Except for that it is a deliberate way to keep a culture of insiders and outsiders.

Again the GGA has nothing to do with this discussion except you keep bringing up Crokes.

Please stick to the topic.

Thereā€™s a fascinating GAA sub-plot to this debate breaking out on the social media influencers thread. 95% of the forum myself included are GAA aficionados but in the interest of diversity you have a couple of anti-GAA posters flying the flag high. Tim appears to be the Pro-Rugby Anti-GAA cohort of the forum while TSG sustains the Pro-Association Football Anti-GAA group.

@Mac likes the least inclusive sports in Ireland and sends his kids to the least inclusive schools

Not cool

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16 per cent of Welsh kids go to Welsh only schools.

8 per cent of Irish kids go to Irish only schools.

Total immersion is working in both cases to revive the language.

Multilingualism in UK and in Ireland is also growing because of multi lingual households.

Why are you against a resurgence of the Irish language.

GS are multi lingual. They learn Irish and English. Why are you only in favour of certain forms of multi lingualism - is it because you donā€™t value Irish ?

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I favour all schools being through Irish, not a select few that segregates society.

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Unfuckingbelievable @Tim_Riggins . My boy in Big Gaeilge was doing a workshop today for parents of kids in a Gaelscoil in dundalk, to support them with their own irish. He was a little disappointed after cos heā€™d d pitched it a little high cos, get this, 5 of the 9 parents inolved were non nationals. A croatian, a Pole an a couple of africans in the mix!
He was a little bemused by the fact that i was pissing myself laughing as he told meā€¦


Jesus how many days did it take you to come up with that yarn?


Itā€™s true mate. Happened today. Where are we at all if we cant trust what a lad says on the internet?

The Gaelscoil in Dundalk is in probably the most socio-economically disadvantaged area of the town. It isnā€™t 231 Land Rovers dropping them off, Iā€™ll tell you that.


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Big victory for @Juhniallio today with a march above in Dublin to encourage the initiative of Gaeilge for all. The cabal seem more inclusive than @Tim_Riggins had suggested.

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Game. Set. Match.

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Bata agus bĆ²thar don RƬgĆ nach faoi dheireadh.

The I. The I. The IRA

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The Guinness Guru has bagged himself a fine woman


Sineadā€™s Curvy Style #24 SOā€™B SOā€™B SOā€™B, itā€™s time to fill the gob! Sunbeds to get the brown, but ladsā€¦ | Tattle Life

Has the lovely Lauren Guilfoyle given up on the media career? Doesnā€™t seem anywhere near as active on the GAA front as she was previously.

With a rugby lad now, she gave up on the gaa!!

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