Social Media "Influencers"

Irish language speakers are a very very small minority in Ireland. If you are in favour of diversity, as you say you are, then encouraging and supporting their growth is a good thing.

But you donā€™t want diversity. You want to kill Irish.

Just be honest and donā€™t use a Trojan Horse.

Thatā€™s an interesting statement to copy in without the full context. Is the school regularly oversubscribed do you know?

A private school will be significantly more diverse than a GS. In fact they were always the place of choice for migrants moving here back in the day.

But thatā€™s neither here nor there. Private schools are a separate issue- I donā€™t agree with all elements of them. The reality of them is that they receive less funding that the rest of the system that frees up cash elsewhere.

We had a segregated public system on the basis of a language. It is telling that people keep bringing up fee paying schools and ignoring the cold hard facts on diversity in GS.

16 per cent of kids attend Welsh language schools in Wales.

8 per cent of kids attend Irish language schools in Ireland.

Of all the issues with Government funding in Ireland this seems like a very very odd cause to hitch your wagon to.

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They are almost all single sex to start. Before we get to alumni and socio economic barriers.

A couple of rich ex pats sons in Blackrock ainā€™t diverse.

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What is interesting about it? It is in black and white there.

Yes that GS will be regularly oversubscribed, hence the continued demand for more of them.

Indeed oversubscribed GS is one of the excuses that GS zealots have used previously for their lack of diversity.

ā€œI think you can understand that accusation where demand outstrips supply,ā€ she said. ā€œIf I take my local school, where there is one stream, its priority is taking siblings, which is the practical and the sensible thing to do. It can leave a tiny amount of space. If the next priority is Irish-speaking families, you might have only have a few places left in a class of 30.

Youre forcing people to play golf when they want to play hurling. Youā€™re the only bigot on display hereā€¦ Irish people are entitled to live as they please in their own countryā€¦ Hiding behind diversity because you loathe Irish culture is fascinating to watch


Oh dear. The proportion historically of private schools in Ireland that are mixed is far higher than the general system.

Again, why do you keep bringing them up and avoiding GS?

Itā€™s very honourable of the schools to put such thought into an admissions policy to prioritise childrens success

Who is forcing what? We have highly trained primary school teachers who could teach through the language if they were pushed to.

That is deliberately not pushed by the Lobby because they have their special walled off arena.

Itā€™s become clear that total immersion in Irish or any language is best way to achieve fluency.

Proof is in the pudding with the growth of young fluent Irish speakers in areas that are not traditional Gaeltacht areas.

My kids never went to a GS. Neither did I. My sister did for primary only - 35 odd years ago. It wasnā€™t to avoid immigrants.

White flag from you there @Mac?

Iā€™m going to guess thereā€™s quite a few parents here in the GS camp. It might not be deliberate but they are unfortunately setting up a segregated society for the future.

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No, not at all. Thereā€™s plenty of GSā€™s that arenā€™t oversubscribed and take in ā€˜non-nativesā€™ so most of your rambling is nonsense

The French government have a school in Blackrock. They teach through both.

Same goes for St Killians German school.

The kids who go to those schools are multilingual.

More irish schools, more hurling? Non natives comes here for culture so you could be onto something.

Kids who go to GS are also multi lingual.

Thereā€™s a larger proportion of kids from French / German backgrounds in those schools than normal schools. That is entirely to be expected.

We also rent those pitches in that school for GAA. Hopefully that makes the fees more affordable.

ā€œThere are plenty of schoolsā€

Proof is in the pudding Mac

You asked for data- I gave it to you. GS have sweet fuck all ā€œnon Irishā€ in the system.

You asked for enrolment policies. I gave them to you.

Do you have anything of substance to add here or can I take that you are another excuse maker for the growing divided public school system in this country?

Again, what does your GAA club have to do with this? The sheer want. :rofl:

Those schools teach through different languages in classroom to kids of all nationalities. You made a claim that it has to be entirely through the language. It does not.

Would they generally have French and German speaking parents at home ?

Are you disputing best way to learn a language is not total immersion ?

The GAA comments are because you hate it :grinning::joy: