Social Media Outrage Log Thread

One hell of a long sentence he’s written there about 2 of his staff that were in Tralee powerwashing but people thought they were stealing dogs and called the guards so the guards called out and check their identity and they were happy enough with it and the work they were doing so now they are upset that people are still putting it up on Facebook and they are going to take it further cos they reckon this is slander


It’s not slander. It’s libel.

He should get the company logo on the van at least it won’t look dodgy

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It’s neither. Defamation.


Great thing about Tipp reg cars is you can drive like a moron and leopel will understand. Has 2 TS regs before

Yer wan has a tan accent though I’m sure
‘Leopel’ will have noticed.


Both libel and slander are forms of defamation.

Libel is the published word (can be an email, text message, sound recording, article, video etc.), while slander is the spoken word (i.e. something not published in any form, e.g. something said in a pub or in a private conversation about another party)

The air con was probably blasting away in the car anyway and your wan probably just gone in for 20 Rothmans and a lighter

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not in Ireland, they are both covered under “defamation” as per s6 Defamation act 2009

That was exactly my point mate

took you up wrong, apologies.

ah lad

6 .— (1) The tort of libel and the tort of slander—
( a ) shall cease to be so described, and
( b ) shall, instead, be collectively described, and are referred to in this Act, as the “ tort of defamation ”.

Mate, I know the 2009 Act fairly well believe me, but the terms libel and slander are still bandied about so that’s all I was referring to

I’m more of a “tort of apple“ man myself



What is cable tie on wheelie bins phenomenon about?

Someone put a cable tie on your bin?

A way of ‘marking’ houses with dogs in a discreet way. A load of bollocks I’d say

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