Social Media Outrage Log Thread

more hysteria, mick loves his hysteria so he does

Like vagrants during depression era america used to mark gateposts to indicate to fellow travellers which households were friendly or not.
This could well be a thing.

It’s a way for bored younglads to troll gullible middle aged Facebook heads.


I’m going into Ennistymon now for a load of cable ties for the craic


Yes. I can’t figure it out at all. They come along in the middle of the night and put a cable tie on your bin when you leave it out. The bin is emptied and you put it around the back of the house where no one can see it. What’s the point of that.

I’d imagine there was some small element of truth to it initially, but I’d say these attention seeking types are cable tying their own gates at this stage

See dog

Open google maps

Drop pin

Send pin

I think the young dog robbing knackers need to go a little more high tech in their techniques.

Would they not just rob the dog altogether?

They could, but it could prove tricky if the dag is on a leash of someone walking in/out the gate.

I tied a load of cables ties to the front gates of a load of houses in Kilshanny there an hour ago


That will cause all sorts of confusion now. They won’t know what it means to have their gates tagged, they will think that their gates are going to be robbed. :slight_smile:

I hope you’re enjoying your holidays at home mate, make the best of them.

A good summary of my fb timeline today

People who have children should be banned from social media


And bring them to shops unless completely necessary

Some amount of “angles” back in school today


It’ll take a few weeks to knock the edges off em after the 6 months off

Vice versa I’d say.

children who have people should be banned from social media??

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This wrecks my fucking head. I hope the kids learn to spell better than their parents do.

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