Social Media Outrage Log Thread

When I was in primary school from the mid 1980s on, one of the more advanced follow on English reading textbooks in the Ann and Barry series was called “Away To Fairyland”.

It was part of the “Rainbow” series of books.

The gay agenda was rearing its evil head even then.

Then there was this filth.


I truly believe the fearless @artfoley can be our generation’s Mary O’Whitehouse.

I had these books in school, and sat beside an Ann, with my name being Barry…

As if kids even pass any heed of this shite.Kids are doing fine and could teach a lot of adults a thing or two.


I just found it pretty stupid.

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Stop sneering and talking down to people.

Barry White, surely?


I worked with a fella called Barry White in NY.He was the most racist cunt I ever came across.

Season 4 Episode 20 GIF by The Simpsons

Barry White was black. Cilla Black was white. Cilla Black used to be Cilla White.

As Jack Charlton once said about somebody, he’d tell you black was white and white was black.

Michael Jackson told us it don’t matter if you’re black or white, so he became white after being black to see if this was true.

Zebras are both black and white. So are chessboards and so were ye olde floor tiles in mainline Irish rail stations.

Before the advent of colour printing ye olde newspapers were black and white and read all over.

There are surnames Black, White, Brown, Grey and Green.

There was Jason Orange from Take That. And Shaun Teale who scored a cracking lob hook own goal while playing for Aston Villa once. He lobbed goalkeeper Nigel’s Pink. Then there’s a different Pink, who always wants to get the party started, and Yello, that Swiss guy who did that motor racing song, vroom vroom. There’s Violet Anne-Wynne, that headbanger who is one of Clare’s two current TDs.

I don’t think there’s a surname Red but there’s Redmond and Reddy and Redfern and Redlich.

There was Red Hurley, and Red Barry, who played a bit of hurley.


For quite a while I used to go for shits and just pull up my pants afterwards. There was always a lump of shit in my jocks mashed in.

Barry Shite surely

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For the clean up you’d turn to Barry Scott.

nearly a week after the story breaks, RTE finally cover it

Sorry mr American culture wars, its not a big story


Apology accepted. Don’t let it happen again


Like most Yankee doodling culture war heroes Art is attracted to it as a story because it doesn’t take a big brain to understand, although he still can’t understand it.

Publishers have gone a different route now. They wish to portray our progressive green agenda but accompanied by our frugal nature

The email obviously went out to every green td, adviser and lackey to bring as many bikes in as possible asap and lock them up there.


Of course it did. It listed them accompanied by pics and this description…

” and that they “do not like change or difference”.

It also alludes to the children, who “get told off if we mix with people with a different religion from ours as they would be a bad influence on us’’

@Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr got there before me.