Social Media Outrage Log Thread

Like I said, I think it was a foolish text and there are better ways to try promote inclusivity or stop racism etc without mocking Irish culture or values. You dont need a mocking caricature in text books. Had it been in a different setting, then its a different story.


What are traditional Irish values? Keeping the head down, shutting the fuck up, obeying what church and state tell you to do, go to mass of a Sunday and head to GAA games?

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Where is this going on?

the usual headbangers are going mental over it, but it is a clumsy attempt of education IMO

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I felt seen

its not a clumsy attempt, it was very deliberate because the writers knew theyd get away with such a caricature if it was aimed at the irish, theyd never get away with it if it was any other nationality. the headquangers would go mental if they did.

whats disturbing is that it was never picked up at any stage before publication, and thats on DoE and the publishers


Voting for the local gombeen, hup ya boy ya, yewww tell doze fuckers up in Dublin!

I’m white Irish and I didn’t find it racist.

Roaster racism. Roasters are people too.

It wasn’t very funny. Brown shoes and bootcut jeans would have been better. And a half zip GAA top.

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dingo jeans as well.

point is, it has no place whatoever in a childs textbook

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Of course it doesn’t. Who the fuck comes up with this drivel.

Anne Potts & Nodlaig O’Grady apparently

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it was well written & i was on board until it verged into the footix


FAO of the forum - @artfoley is from Humberside so not sure why is speaking on our behalf here

end of message

im speaking about the irish, you russian, australian, italian mongrel

Liking Irish music or going to the Fleadh, touring Ireland, enjoying GAA, liking Irish dancing, farming, living rurally in a thatched cottage. All things shown or written on the piece. Obviously there is more, but I’m only referencing what was on the piece.

there are things about Irish heritage and culture that people can like and enjoy without portraying them as backward hicks. There are plenty of backward hicks who like all that stuff too, and there is plenty of traditional Irish crap that is a stain on our history, as you point out the control of church etc.


I don’t think the sketch claimed that liking GAA, traditional Irish music or Irish dancing or taking holidays in Ireland made a person a backward hick?

We need to bring back wholesome children’s programmes like Rainbow and The Magic Roundabout.

Wait a minute…

@locke missed Riverdance

The hidden cameras will do that.