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Bandage likes this. :thumbsup:

Sledgehammer likes this :mad:

[quote=“Bandage”]Clarkey’s romancing a bird he first interacted with via facebook.

More news as we get it.[/quote]

did he superpoke her or just threw a sheep ?

I’m looking to buy the new tractor but I’m not convinced it’s worth 30 large. I might have to sell a few horses to fund it

Seems they have a mutual friend - Clarkey apparently left a sarcastic comment mocking this friend’s status update and this other bird thought it was funny and sent him a message. And it started from there. Don’t worry, either myself, Tinnion or Farmer will have the full story splashed over the internet by Saturday midday.

Have they met in person or is it just in internet relationship akin to myself and Mac’s?

Mildly related but apparently Arts bird is seeing someone else is if her facebook page is anything to go by. Tough break for the poor fella - first the woman refuses his proposal, dumps him, then he tries to get her back to no avail and now she has someone else. I’d say she was seeing yer man behind his back the whole time. Awful carry on out of her to be honest as well though.

Sounds like this bitch is doing all the running, nothing wrong with CC being there to catch her when she throws herself at him.

He might be onto something here. I await developments as it could be handy for some tips :mad:

They’ve had a date last weekend and engaged in some kissing, handholding and heavy petting. Nothing too serious yet though.


ballhop surely?

Bit harsh spouting that on the interweb :eek:

ballhop surely?[/quote]

I’m sure the man himself will confirm, if he’s up to it.



This one has had more men than I have had hot dinners so I guess thats a possibility.

[quote=“Bandage”]Clarkey’s romancing a bird he first interacted with via facebook.

More news as we get it.[/quote]

Clarkey told me about this when I confessed that I had a friend who was considering internet dating.

Just trying to get more details, I notice on his profile that he has only commented on one birds status recently, luckily she has a public profile. Not particularly impressed by Clarkey’s comments, they don’t seem particulary witty to me.

[quote=“briantinnion”]Clarkey told me about this when I confessed that I had a friend who was considering internet dating.

Just trying to get more details, I notice on his profile that he has only commented on one birds status recently, luckily she has a public profile. Not particularly impressed by Clarkey’s comments, they don’t seem particulary witty to me.[/quote]

Indeed. Clarkey wouldn’t strike me as a very witty individual at all.

Just facebook chatting to Clarkey here, more to follow as I get it.

He just asked my how to set up a web cam, interesting developments.

Poor form there Mac