Social Networking Sites

[quote=“briantinnion”]Just facebook chatting to Calrkey here, more to follow as I get it.

He just asked my how to set up a web cam, interesting developments.[/quote]

I would have figured Bandage would have had a webcam all set up a long time ago.

if its not a ballhop you are a complete prick.

of course its a ballhop -hence the mild reaction from fooley

An update from an ex work colleague on Facebook (a bird):

Ms X has just read through all the messages and is so thankful for such amazing friends!! thanks everyone x x x

Do many people on here add work colleagues on a social networking site? I’d never add one of the cunts.

Thinly veiled ‘everyone in work hates me’

She added me.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Thinly veiled ‘everyone in work hates me’

She added me.[/quote]

Being friend on facebook with people I work with is something that doesn’t interest me in the slightest farmer. I’ve been invited by work colleagues but I just ignore the invites to be honest. I’d have no interest in adding anyone from work, I’d prefer to keep work and personal separate. If that makes you believe that everyone in my place of employment hates me, then I’ll just have to live my life knowing you believe that. I’m not sure how I will, but I’ll try to go on.

Getting back on topic, I was just curious did many others on here add people from work as friends on facebook thats all.

I would like to think the majority of people in my workplace hate me because the feeling is mutual.

Its a feeling I’ve tried to foster in my own workplace. I have enough friends thank you very much, I don’t need to be friends with people I work with.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Being friend on facebook with people I work with is something that doesn’t interest me in the slightest farmer. I’ve been invited by work colleagues but I just ignore the invites to be honest. I’d have no interest in adding anyone from work, I’d prefer to keep work and personal separate. If that makes you believe that everyone in my place of employment hates me, then I’ll just have to live my life knowing you believe that. I’m not sure how I will, but I’ll try to go on.

Getting back on topic, I was just curious did many others on here add people from work as friends on facebook thats all.[/quote]

I had a few added in my last place of employment alright, but only thesound few fellas that I would go drinking with. Any of the nosey bitches could go fuck.

I have no one in my latest place of employment added and it’s going to stay that way.

[quote=“myboyblue”]Being friend on facebook with people I work with is something that doesn’t interest me in the slightest farmer. I’ve been invited by work colleagues but I just ignore the invites to be honest. I’d have no interest in adding anyone from work, I’d prefer to keep work and personal separate. If that makes you believe that everyone in my place of employment hates me, then I’ll just have to live my life knowing you believe that. I’m not sure how I will, but I’ll try to go on.

Getting back on topic, I was just curious did many others on here add people from work as friends on facebook thats all.[/quote]

I add friends purely with business in mind to be honest.

Crazy attitude. I’m not saying you have to be friends with everyone, but being comfortable at work (being such a huge part of your life) is hugely important IMO. You don’t have to be going to their kids communion and shite, but being somewhat friendly with your workmates makes life a bit easier.

Of course there is the odd person who you just won’t get on with.

[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Crazy attitude. I’m not saying you have to be friends with everyone, but being comfortable at work (being such a huge part of your life) is hugely important IMO. You don’t have to be going to their kids communion and shite, but being somewhat friendly with your workmates makes life a bit easier.

Of course there is the odd person who you just won’t get on with.[/quote]

I pass myself with them, I can have the crack with them, and I go to work nights out and have a good time.

But, to take phone numbers, and socialise on non work nights out?


[quote=“caoimhaoin”]Crazy attitude. I’m not saying you have to be friends with everyone, but being comfortable at work (being such a huge part of your life) is hugely important IMO. You don’t have to be going to their kids communion and shite, but being somewhat friendly with your workmates makes life a bit easier.

Of course there is the odd person who you just won’t get on with.[/quote]

agree with kev here. its always good to have friends in the workplace. otherwise you would have a very lonely day and would become a recluse and posting on internet sites all day long

[quote=“myboyblue”]I pass myself with them, I can have the crack with them, and I go to work nights out and have a good time.

But, to take phone numbers, and socialise on non work nights out?


Why not?

Seems strange alright. People will go and meet guys from an internet site they never met before yet wouldn’t take the number of a work colleague?!?

Because I have enough friends and don’t really need anymore. I don’t particularly want to spend anymore time with these people than I already do.

I havent met anyone from an internet site, although I am pretty sure I passed Art the other day.

I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong here really. One job I made some good mates that I still hang around with, another I didn’t really interact with anyone as they were cunts and the current one I have a laugh with them and go on work nights out etc but don’t socialise with any of them outside work.

Ya, the whole accountancy craic would be very different to most other professions though, especially during the early training years which is basically just an extension of college. There aren’t many other jobs where you will have 200 odd college graduates starting at the one time like you do at the Big4 companies so you will obviously have a greater bond with them because you are around the one age and all as clueless as each other. Once you move on to different jobs you are going in there on your own so you won’t have the same bond as you did with the lads you trained for 4 years with.

Yea, I think Runt and Bandage may have hit it on the nail here.

Btw Bandage, what party piece did you perform or was that going on during your time on induction?