Social Networking Sites

Fond of the pipe Sledge?

I was harrassed into joining

Ya shes savage, id say she is fucking filth. 19 as well but she wasnt 19 when a lot of them photos were taken. Her own facebook page is open too can see hundreds of photos, the best of em are in the appreciation page though.

Kind of upset myself though that I will probably never ride a young wan like that again.

[quote=“dancarter”]Ya shes savage, id say she is fucking filth. 19 as well but she wasnt 19 when a lot of them photos were taken. Her own facebook page is open too can see hundreds of photos, the best of em are in the appreciation page though.

Kind of upset myself though that I will probably never ride a young wan like that again.[/quote]

Ride who what? What did I miss here?

Click here

Gola had some young wans facebook page or an appreciation page to her at least. Blonde wan from Dublin, who was very fond of showing the boyos. Can’t remember it now as she has a quare name.

edit-rintintin ^^^

[quote=“dancarter”]Ya shes savage, id say she is fucking filth. 19 as well but she wasnt 19 when a lot of them photos were taken. Her own facebook page is open too can see hundreds of photos, the best of em are in the appreciation page though.

Kind of upset myself though that I will probably never ride a young wan like that again.[/quote]

Thinly veiled I have rode wans like that in my day. Fair play to ya if ya have dan but I haven’t tapped anything quite in that league I’d have to say. Very rare you’ll get a set of funbags that big on a one with such a tight body…

Not at all Gola. Defo nothing in quite that league. I meant more in terms of a filthy gamey little 19 year old slut. Even an average looking one with small tits would do if they were gamey enough.

One of the few downsides of age and marriage, clunge like that is gone

gamet enough to go in to a vault with ya dan ? :smiley:

Gaminess over looks any day Art :thumbsup:

Unbelievable scenes.

Hats off to her male friends who created that society, showing maturity beyond their tender years.


Had this conversation with a friend recently, we were debating whether we would rather ride a boring hot bird or a really gamey average bird.

Had this conversation with a friend recently, we were debating whether we would rather ride a boring hot bird or a really gamey average bird.[/quote]

Once the doors of the bedroom are closed who gives a fuck. Once you can live with her looks yourself the only reason you want a hot one is to show off to your buddies.

Unless you plan on going out with them, then you need a reasonably hot one

I’ve seen it all now, some friends have this as their status message

Tonight @ 9pm all of facebook will have 5 minutes of silence which includes no posts, no comments and or any other activity on the site. This will be done in rememberance of all the lives lost in Haiti’s earthquake this past week. If you agree please copy and post as your status and leave it there till after the moment

I have a facebook account, don’t use it that much but have just been active on it for the past 5 minutes. Delighted with myself now.

Woody knows the score

Be careful what you say on the internet:

Twitter joke leads to Terrorism Act arrest
You’ve heard about people being arrested following flippant remarks about bombs at airports or on airplanes, but what about venting your frustration on Twitter? That’s also a no-go and falls under the Terrorism Act 2006.

Twenty-six-year-old finance supervisor Paul Chambers found out the hard way when he put out a seemingly glib message on his Twitter account, where he said he would blow up Robin Hood Airport in Doncaster in the UK if his flight was delayed.

"Crap! Robin Hood airport is closed. You’ve got a week and a bit to get your shit together, otherwise I’m blowing the airport sky high!!,” said Chambers on his Twitter homepage on 6 January.

On 13 January, he was arrested under the Terrorism Act at his home after a printout of his Twitter page was produced

"I had to explain Twitter to them in its entirety because they’d never heard of it,” he told the Mail Online.

“The lead investigator kept asking, ‘Do you understand why this is happening?’ and saying, ‘It is the world we live in’".

Chambers was subjected to a seven-hour interrogation and banned for life from Doncaster Airport.

By Marie Boran

The internet is serious business

The Irish Sentinel is back, good stuff from here.

[SIZE=3]Haiti gives thanks as Facebook status changes bear fruit[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]The people of Haiti were today celebrating the first miracle of the new decade as a mass status change on Facebook instantaneously solved all the problems caused by last week’s devastating earthquake.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]As shocked and badly wounded Haitians looked on in wonder, buildings reassembled themselves and rose skywards, services such as water and electricity began to work again and even more amazingly thousands of people came back to life. Initially there were some casualties as the superstitious people feared a rising of zombies and set about the resurrected with crude machetes, but soon it became clear that a once in a lifetime event had taken place.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]Facebook group defeats nature[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Eye-witness Claude D’Arcy-Trent-Terrence told the Irish Sentinel, “It was incredible. One moment I was mourning the loss of my entire family, my home and what meagre possessions I had whilst standing knee deep in rubble and corpses, the next life had returned completely to normal. I thank God for what he has done”.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]Yet researchers at MIT have discovered that God played no part in the miraculous goings-on. Close analysis of web trends in the hours leading up to the event left them in doubt that Facebook users were the ones who saved the day. Professor Marlon Prince, head of Teh Internets 2.0, said “We’ve never seen anything like this. It appears that in just under two hours over three and half million people joined the group ‘Save Haiti by joining this Facebook group and you can feel better about yourself without actually having to do anything ‘. Quite how it had the power to reconstruct an entire nation is something we’re unclear about at the moment but the best guess we have is that somehow it roused Superman who flew around the world really really fast to reverse time and having had some practice at this in the past he has honed his skills to the point where he can be region specific. Obviously it’s something we’re going to keep working on though”.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=3]A spokesman for Facebook said “Once again it shows the power of social networking and when it comes right down to it, Facebook is the daddy. Perhaps if the people of Iran had used us instead of getting all those Twitter idiots to change their avatars green then they might have democracy now. USA! USA!”.[/SIZE]