Social Networking Sites

Die, Duffield, die.

Isn’t that German for ‘The Duffield, the’ ?

I’m not an evil man.

Someone set up a Facebook Group entitled ‘Cork is better than Kerry’.


nearly as good as those ‘I’m from Ireland, but more importantly I’m from Roscommon’ pages. or whatever county people have set them up for.

Yes, as was debated last week, these groups are fucking embarrassing. However, I think I’ve come up with a simple and effective ruse that cops could use to catch paedophiles using these very same groups. You hear stories and read reports about how the authorities have to spend loads on special software and stuff to catch these sorts. But I reckon a top notch idea would be to set up a Facebook group entitled ‘The Age of Consent Should Be Reduced To 7’ or something like that and then zone in on the people who join it.

I recently joined a group called “My sister said if I got 1,000,000 fans she’d name her baby Megatron”. There were 1,600,000 fans and as it turns out little baby Megatron was born last August.

Equally we could find out which of our friends need to be avoided by setting up a group entitled “dinner with mates, nothing better”

An interesting concept but what idiot would join such a group and make himself known to the world as a paedophile?

there was a friend of mine that had as her headline thing of a warning ‘if you are a parent, dont join the group “I’m proud to be a parent” as it is a group set up by paedophiles who use it to get pictures of peoples children’, or some such thing.

firstly, why would any sane person join such a group.

secondly, why would any sane person put pictures of their children up on said group.

and thirdly, I’m sure paedophiles have better things to be doing on the internet than to be scrawling through pictures of dickheads children at birthday parties and such.

but the sane bit is important in the first 2 points. many people on facebook are retards.

Julio, it’s a pub that offers a burger/chips, bangers/mash, goujons/chips or pizza with a pint for a tenner. It’s NOT a dinner per se - it’s a useful add on to the pint that prove beneficial later. Please desist from making fun of me over this - I am finding it hurtful and hard to take.

Farmer, fair point - I can see this plan falling down.

It being Friday I’m now going to check Facebook to see how many tards have “yay it’s Friday” as their status updates.

The cheapness of the dinner is irrelevant. The fact is your going for a meal with your mates, therefore you are a poofter.

I am severely disillusioned bandage to find that you have abandoned the very belief upon which the things that are wrong thread is built.

Bandage, looking back on it, do you feel it was a mistake to mention the food in your opening post?

It’s not a meal, Julio - it’s a pint accompanying dinner.

Runt, yes if I only I could back tiime. If only I could, if only I could.

If only I could.

You can buy a pint in Shanahans or wherever too. Its still a meal, your still a sellout, and your still a gay.

If the grub arrives served in a basket you might just get away with it.
It’s always acceptable to eat food out of a basket in a pub with your mates, but if it involves knives and forks then you’re in danergous territory.

Runt, the grub comes on a plate with a knife and fork wrapped in a napkin.

I picked at the chips with my hand and grasp the burger in my hands also. I tend not to use the knife and fork.

But I do wipe my hands with the napkin.


I don’t think it would matter now Runt if the “meal” arrived on bone china or polystyrene.

Bandage has broken Julios world,end of story.

Ideally you would wipe your hands on the back of jugs shirt when he wasn’t looking