Social Networking Sites

Is there anything to be said for setting up a group to help Julio get through this?

Is there anything to be said for saying another mass Fathers?

“Tipperary, where the men are men and so are the women!” is now a popular group on facebook, over 1k members…
i can only presume this group was set up by some other rural breed from a neighbouring county in response to some GGA tribalism.
its some fucked up, disturbing shit all the same that people have an interest in this type of goings on


An idiot female “friend” just joined a group called “If your Mum is amazing join this group”. What the fuck is wrong with people? She’s also the type of twat who leaves updates like “Sooooo tired now” or “can’t wait for Friday!” (lots of people like this).

I think Facebook may have been invented so that all non-believers could finally see daily proof that 99% of women are retards.

Only 99%?

I know three lads who click on ‘like’ any time a mate of theirs adds a female friend on Facebook.

I didn’t want to disrespect your girlfriend by saying 100%.

There are more than 100 women in the world Jugs.

The below is a group on Facebook:

‘The GAA to abolish the new handpass rule now!’

What the fuck is wrong with people?

manusboyle likes this.


I know a tall person on this forum who let his bird update his status on Facebook after they went shopping together. He’d want to sort that out fairly lively.

would this be a particularly tall accountant with a new woman…

:lol: :o

A pink shirt too.

whens d engagement…

Is she picking out his clothes as well?

A for fuck sake. I think it’s a bit rich for Farmer to be commenting on my fashion tastes further to this revelation

jaysus farmer this wan would want to be a fucking demon in the sack at this rate