Social Networking Sites

You leave that man alone.


He is posting them in a thread dedicated fitness/running, nothing strange about that.
Certainly nothing more strange than Rocko posting detailed passing stats of champions league matches

It was only a gentle jibe. No offence was meant.


You know how easily Fenway gets upset.
I’d imagine he’s typing his temporary resignation letter as we speak (I know we’re not speaking)

:smiley: i promise not to act in such a childish manner again

Were you acting childish so the kids at the hurling would think you were also a child?


clarkey, i think you have me confused with twiceasnice97 :smiley:

Rupert Murdoch is after selling MySpace for $35m.
He bought it in 2005 for $580m

I am sick of cunts clicking ‘like’ to pages like “that awkward moment when your friend gives you toast and jam but the butter doesn’t go all the way to the edge of the bread”.

It seems to have exploded lately, what the fook like? I just don’t get it. Stupid cunts.

Facebook is dead.

I can see this new Google thing taking off if it’s anyway useful.

This is equally a thing that’s wrong… But I have two female acquaintances who update regularly using a Facebook tool called. ’ my babies progress’.

Depending on the week it then gives a… At week 21 your baby is… (Retarded most likely). Who honestly gives a fuck?!! We get it, you are pregnant.

The ensuing comments then of ’ oh wait for x and are you finding y’ are equally sickening as you know most of these bitches loath the original poster.


This is similar to when they comment on a picture of a fat whale of a friend and say - “OMG you look stunning!”. No they don’t. This type of behavior absolutely sickens me to the core.

A married female friend on Facebook updated her status to “Happy Anniversary (insert husband’s name here) XXXXXXXX” the other day.

Why do some reasonably attractive birds, use profile pictures which make them look rank?

It’s odd.

Why do some reasonably attractive birds use profile pictures of a long range shot of them with about 5 others?

A mate of mines bird uses a picture of herself in a bikini and the other women constantly bitch about her. Cant win I guess.

Link please.

I know someone who has a profile set up for their pet.
The pet regularly posts on it’s profile, and the owner replies to the pet from her own account.

Eh no.

Thats a step below someone I know who has one for her newborn. Utterly ridiculous.

No, no, no, no, NO!