My eye is very sore but I have got a big treat for been a good girl and letting mammy take the ticks off but they hurt so bad :’(
24 June at 19:56 via Facebook Mobile[list]
deactivating my account was one of the best things i have done. was having a chat with my barber the other day about facebook. he was saying that its success is built upon the nosiness of humans. he said that you would find yourself checking the wall of ‘friends’/cunts who if you saw them coming your way you would probably cross the road to avoid. How we laughed…
A girl or 2 I know have gained some serious poundage over the last few months , they still update their profile pics every month or so but with older ones of when they were less heiferlike. These people need to realise that people will see them eventually and be comPletely in shock of their mammoth girth. Where as if they put up pics of themselves as they gained some weight people wouldn’t look at them with such disgust when they eventually do come across them again.
I have a friend on FB who changed her name to her married name and updated her relationship status on the day of her wedding. What an utter spa. She was very fond of the cock a couple of years back. It smacks of getting married due to social pressure rather than love.
Fair play to myself, Jugs, Bandage and tinnion for not bowing to such pressure.
JUST REPOSTING THIS…Was on the toilet this morning, eating a bowl of cereal and … What? You think there’s something wrong with eating in the toilet? Did that gross you out? Then why do people suggest breastfeeding mothers feed their babies in the bathroom?? If you’re a fan of parents and babies rights, I DARE you to put this up as your status. I’m proudly a HUGE advocate for breastfeeding.
has the bravest little girl she got chest xrays done yesterday and didnt bat an eyelid to it shes the best
Ten years married tomorrow don’t know how I put up with you that long Happy Anniversary luv you xxxx
First three updates this morning. Fucking facebook. People have lost all concept of whats private and whats public. If it wasn’t handy for talking to mates abroad I’d never go on the thing. All this repost this as your status if you’ve ever known a Leper shit is ruining it.
There is a girl i like and through a lot hard work i’ve managed to hunt her down on facebook. What should be my next move, i would like to get access to her page so that i may check her status etc. I suppose i might have to add her as a friend, though i don’t want to come across too keen. Is there any other way around it, i would like to check her background too and her photos to see if she has any other suitors etc. Could probably do with something clever to say too…