Social Networking Sites

Any better ideas? I thought you were supposed to be some kind of casanova. Could one retract a friend request, say if you’d a change of heart?

Id always check how many Facebook friends she has first. If she has a small amount then she either uses FB very little or is select about who she joins. In this case tread carefully. If she has loads of friends, 500+, then add her. She’s clearly into stats and having a popular FB account.
If you do add her and change your mind before she accepts or declines, go to friend settings on the top right menu and it should give you a list of your friends, in there you’ll find her name with the request and you can cancel it.

Fair play Dunph, must have taken you ages to find that chick in Cheltenham you spent the night running away from.
She was dead keen that night Dunph so I wouldn’t worry about it.

I’m far from being an expert on such matters but I’m sure you can send an accompanying message with a friend request, Dunph.

Maybe something like “I’ve been following you home for the last few weeks and I think we could become close friends. In fact I’m standing in the lane beside your house right now…”

Good thinking.

Dunph don’t mind Bandage. See can you attach a picture of your cock with the friend request.
If she likes what sees then boom.

Cheers mate this is exactly what i’m looking for. She has less than 200 friends and the page is locked as tight as fort knox. Hope this won’t be a hint of what’s to come…


Some fat thing wanted to dance with me and i turned her down. Big deal, get over it. I didn’t see you offering to dance with the whale…

I wouldn’t give up just yet Dunph, the Facebook needs to be an afterthought at the minute. You need to find an alternative route to this lady, make yourself known to her, get on chatting terms, then add her on the FB. The chances are she has nothing of interest on her page though.

Dunph, I presume you’ve already googled the igb site for Dolores’s details?

Bit the bullet anyways and got out of FB. At least I think I have, they dont make it easy. What did it for me was I got a flood of friend requests in the last few months, mainly from birds at work and people I used to work with. I couldn’t figure it out because I wasn’t a particularly active user and page was very private. I mentioned this to a girl the other day and she said, oh ya, that’s people getting in early so they can see your wedding photos, it would be too obvious to do a friend request after the wedding.

Two conclusions

  • Bitches be crazy
  • Anyone who thinks Id put my wedding photos on facebook doesn’t deserve to be my friend.

What a fucking scam of a yoke.

:clap: :clap:

The forum hasn’t been as proud of you since you told the story about riding the bird in the vault Daniel. I’ve had a similar experience with Mrs Macs friends. Crazy shit really when you think of it.

Is there anyway of suspending your page? I dont want to delete it altogether as there’s a few good photo’s and contacts on it.

Yeah fucking physcos. People were actually giving me grief in work because I hadnt the photos up. Nosey fucking bastards.

Sounds like they were either sour they weren’t invited or were too pissed to remember anything about the day! The second is excusable if they’re trying to piece the day back together. Although if their women they should just fuck right off.

I vaguely remember Bandage saying something about Clarkeycat deleting his page but being able to get it back somehow, maybe it was only a suspension or something.

You can delete your page and all you have to do is log back in and it is restored as it was

Just had a look there at the account options, I can deactivate it with the option of reactivating it in the future if I want, or I can permanently delete it.

Kind of defeats the purpose of deleting it but I guess that’s what they want.

Think if you don’t log in for 6 months or something it auto-suspends itself.

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE !!~~(Even though I don’t believe in Luck)This year October has 5 Mondays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This Happens once every 823years. This is called money bags. So copy this to your status and money will arrive within 4days. Based on Chinese Feng Shui. The one who does not copy, will be without money. Copy within 11 mins of reading

About ten different mongs have posted this up on fb in the last few days.

There is so many things wrong with it I don’t know where to start. The main thing though is of course that the calender repeats itself every 28 years so this isn’t really very unusual at all.