Social Networking Sites

Some bird I knew from college just after North scored a try changed her profile picture to her in a lions jersey looking like a spa with some dude in a lions jersey and suit patterned with union jacks. Unfriended.

Two friends of mine have had cause to piss me off with their Facebook carry on recently.

  1. The first lad, who is sound usually, wanted suggestions for a name for a pub crawl he was planning to undergo in London in the coming weeks. A fucking name I ask ya!

  2. The second lad, again usually sound, is the head of some committtee in the Institute. That’s bad enough but he recently changed his profile picture to him suited addressing some conference with the powerpoint presentation in the background.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 806281, member: 24”]Two friends of mine have had cause to piss me off with their Facebook carry on recently.

  1. The first lad, who is sound usually, wanted suggestions for a name for a pub crawl he was planning to undergo in London in the coming weeks. A fucking name I ask ya!

  2. The second lad, again usually sound, is the head of some committtee in the Institute. That’s bad enough but he recently changed his profile picture to him suited addressing some conference with the powerpoint presentation in the background.[/quote]

For the record I am not one of the people identified by Farmer in the above post. I am neither a friend of Farmer’s nor usually sound.

I work for a global organization and we/they have recently launched an internal social networking site to share knowledge. It’s early days but I must say I’m tremendously impressed so far, it has fantastic potential to bring together people from locations across the globe. It has also cut down on a good bit of email traffic which can only be a good thing.

But why so defensive, Brian?

Didn’t get invited on the pub crawl or get voted onto/on to that committee.

Hopefully somebody shares a dictionary with you.

That’s a shocking error.

i presume you also have a sharepoint site set up BT where members of the corporation can upload documents for review in confeence calls or else offline?

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 806281, member: 24”]Two friends of mine have had cause to piss me off with their Facebook carry on recently.

  1. The first lad, who is sound usually, wanted suggestions for a name for a pub crawl he was planning to undergo in London in the coming weeks. A fucking name I ask ya!

  2. The second lad, again usually sound, is the head of some committtee in the Institute. That’s bad enough but he recently changed his profile picture to him suited addressing some conference with the powerpoint presentation in the background.[/quote]

Awful cunts.

Not sure how it works but you can just attach documents to your post. It’s fantastic. I’ve been quite active on it this morning and shared some insightful information. Got two ‘likes’.

Based on Ribbit I bet?

Mick Wallace on twitter yesterday likening what he called Jfk’s chemical attack on Vietnam to the issues in Syria.

Fair enough Kennedy might have had the last say in its deployment, but it was sprayed for up 10 years after his death… contaminated batches affected people and there still are lingering effects…but what i’m saying is…fuck off Mick you sensationalist…

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 833648, member: 348”]Mick Wallace on twitter yesterday likening what he called Jfk’s chemical attack on Vietnam to the issues in Syria.

Fair enough Kennedy might have had the last say in its deployment, but it was sprayed for up 10 years after his death… contaminated batches affected people and there still are lingering effects…but what i’m saying is…fuck off Mick you sensationalist…[/quote]

He has a point, JFK opened the flood gates and made it ok for it to be used.

Disappointing to see a Wexford man turn on his own.

It was a herbicide rather than a direct attack on Human life.

ever hear of Dermot MacMurrough?

There has since been an International convention against conventional weapons since. No open flood gates.

The floodgates were opened and remained open for a number of years before people saw sense and shut them again.

I logged in to my Social networking account only to see a page full of people moaning about IOS7!! Fucking stupid cunting bastards… I’m surprised so many people still have iphones, I thought it has been well established that they are shite??