Social Networking Sites

I’ve arrived at the conclusion that LinkedIn can read my text messages.

Twice recently a name has been mentioned in a text message, and then a couple of days later a person (wrong person) with the same name has appeared in the “people you may know” feed on LinkedIn.

These people were fairly obscure and would never have been mentioned in an email or added to my contacts anywhere.

How girls want to tell the world that they have been “spoilt rotten {insert smiley face}” after events such as birthdays, seems to have reached epidemic levels on Facebook in recent times. I’m guessing the need to share this information with so many people stems from insecurities. Most likely they are over eager to try and prove to other girls, that in an indirect way that they are really amazing and worth it.

In reality, the vast vast majority of your friends on Facebook don’t give a fook and what your boyfriend spent on you is your own private business.

[quote=“Phil Leotardo, post: 834656, member: 197”]How girls want to tell the world that they have been “spoilt rotten {insert smiley face}” after events such as birthdays, seems to have reached epidemic levels on Facebook in recent times. I’m guessing the need to share this information with so many people stems from insecurities. Most likely they are over eager to try and prove to other girls, that in an indirect way that they are really amazing and worth it.

In reality, the vast vast majority of your friends on Facebook don’t give a fook and what your boyfriend spent on you is your own private business.[/quote]

Hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun… I know hun, thinking of you hun, you look great hun :mad:

@Bandage[/USER], @[USER=258]cluaindiuic[/USER], @[USER=1]Rocko[/USER], @[USER=110]Fran[/USER], @[USER=112]Gman[/USER] and begrudgingly @[USER=390]braz83

Who from the NFL should I be following on twitter?

a guy I work with said to me ‘my wife thought your girlfriend would be taller…’ slightly shocked i asked when she saw her… he said they were checking her out on facebook last night…fuck off.

“Such a bad day :(”
“Aw u ok hun?”
Fuck off and die!

[quote=“glasagusban, post: 834668, member: 1533”]“Such a bad day :(”
“Aw u ok hun?”
Fuck off and die![/quote]
‘U luk gorge hun, luv u’

Another one, RIP statuses and pages and posts on dead peoples pages.

“Miss u so much babez I no u r der lukin down on us with de anglez n heven RIP gawjus”

Fucking wrong. :confused: :mad:

Maybe they’re Swingers.

if they are i’d say they are the two left in the corner while everyone else pairs up…

Fucking creep.

FfS sake…

That boil about hun hun hun earlier was with one bird in mind. Knew her when we were kids but haven’t seen her in ten years at least…why do these cunts request you?

Anyway, veiled updates all week with out alluding to what was up. I thought some one was sick. But it was all hun hun hun replies… She just updated her status to day her brother got bail and is coming home. A quick google and it turns out he was caught with s gun and ammo in suspected dissident activities!

I’m deleting her soon, but not before I throw up a 32 county republic status of some sort.

The same guy is a diehard Liverpool fan… Another no to foreign games chap.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 834665, member: 1137”]@Bandage[/USER], @[USER=258]cluaindiuic[/USER], @[USER=1]Rocko[/USER], @[USER=110]Fran[/USER], @[USER=112]Gman[/USER] and begrudgingly @[USER=390]braz83

Who from the NFL should I be following on twitter?[/quote]
Follow this. Go fuck yourself.

What a fucking weirdo-why would you tell someone you were stalking their girlfriend on facebook? I would never, ever tell somebody after stalking their girlfriend-it’s nobody else’s business but my own.

Just logged in to my Facebook where this old knacker has posted, “Getting high with damo(boyfriend) and Dad and chilling - Feeling happy”. Fucking spastic.

What do you expect when you’ve befriended old knackers on Facebook? Kick back and enjoy their spasticated posts for what they’re worth or un-friend the cunts.
Simple as that!

the parish priest friended me on face book last week and he’s posting up pictures from the Fleetwood mac concert as we speak ! jaysus…

I believe all sorts of weirdos are friending you these days

You’re a fucking sick cunt.

I’ve just requested friendship from “irish mothers queensland” …this will be a good test for their access sentinel