Social Networking Sites

They’re at it again on Bookface. :rolleyes:
he has been sighted in the area of Galbally co limerick and in the glen of aherlow co tipperary where he is said 2 b staying in the lodges of aherlow house hotel’s grounds. please share this status wit all ur friends and family and do not go anywhere on ur own. lets help keep each other safe

At what ?

I wasn’t sure whether to post this on the things that were wrong or things that were right thread, settled for here. A friend has just posted a photo of herself doing a pole dancing move where she is horizontal to the pole, doing the splits, with her crotch facing the camera. It’s called a mini machine-gun apparently.

Here, you know the fucking rules

Pics or fuck off

I believe @Mark Renton[/USER] and I requested permission for a girls of facebook thread, but @[USER=9]Bandage[/USER] and @[USER=1]Rocko have not yet responded.

Post it up to fuck!

Would you ever fuck off with this shit

Agreed. I’d say he made it up.

Yeah, sure he could edit here face using mspaint and throw it up. Where is the problem?

We want clunge!!

hey @glasagusban , what the fuck are you playing at here?

Show us the fanny!!

Post up that picture quick, @glasagusban, before I go out and rape something.

Jimmy you’d be more likely to go rapin after, would you not just go google something on your phone and sort yourself out?

I’ve googled everything else on the internet, I need some new material…Get it posted ta fuck!

@TreatyStones[/USER] , didn’t @[USER=109]Mac get into the pole dancing at one stage??

@artfoley was the one who had the photo of it by all accounts.

He did ya. I’ll pm you on the photo.

I saw it mate… Is it still up on his FB account?