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i forgot you can only use the fookin internet in the public library, I have broadband at home, unliklely you can pick it up in the arsehole of west kerry 8)

Good man the dan…finish him off!!!

is that flano with the tie on behind the priest?..

Oooh Dan has taken it to the next level.
Is Farmer in a flap.
I’m not taking my eyes off this for a minute. No way

Carter - stop trying to start it up again. You are just embarrassing yourself…

It’s a bit like Roger Federer coming up to Rafa Nadal and saying ‘here I know you beat me there but can we play the final again’

Actually that is a bit unfair - there’s no way you could ever compare a jumped up little insignificance such as you to someone like Roger Federer…

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Carter - stop trying to start it up again. You are just embarrassing yourself…

It’s a bit like Roger Federer coming up to Rafa Nadal and saying ‘here I know you beat me there but can we play the final again’

Actually that is a bit unfair - there’s no way you could ever compare a jumped up little insignificance such as you to someone like Roger Federer…[/quote]

to quote your self

pathetic farmer pathetic

so, is farmer the one now backing down like bandage said? Carter getting loads of abuse for easing off, so he came back fighting, and now farmer telling him to stop fighting with him? ? ?

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Carter - stop trying to start it up again. You are just embarrassing yourself…

It’s a bit like Roger Federer coming up to Rafa Nadal and saying ‘here I know you beat me there but can we play the final again’

Actually that is a bit unfair - there’s no way you could ever compare a jumped up little insignificance such as you to someone like Roger Federer…[/quote]

I have no idea of the score now, I’d venture its a tentative 3-3 draw, maybe 4-3 to Dan, but I just cant be sure anymore.

Ooooh. It’s like Dan’s had second thoughts and has taken a run at Farmer and wants to pummel him but the languid Leitrim native has seen it coming and simply stuck out his giant arm and stifled the planned attack by sticking his hand on Dan’s forehead. Dan is swiping away trying to connect with a punch but, such is Farmer’s reach advantage, the two of them are actually in different counties.

Come on carter, give us physical profile so we can do a match up against farmer…its not fair hammering farmer for being tall… for all we know you cud be taller and transfering abuse you received onto him …or are you built like a barrel? Personally I reckon you’re a bit of an easter egg on legs…too much creatine mixed with starch from pumping iron back in the day has wasted away into the creation of the 5th teletubby…am i right??

Someone nail dan the man on the bebo

This reminds me of two fellas outside a pub pushing each in the chest daring the other one to throw the first hook.

Except in this case one boy is being pushed in the knees and the other in the forehead.

Thats yer ma in the background with the tie on. Are you going to show your face at the jamboree?

I think if you stay, something bad will happen. I think I might hurt you. You don’t want to get hurt, do you?

i may not be at the jamboree but I will be in dublin next weekend alright…I will keep a look out for any harold bishop lookalikes that I see…

Anyone got a final score?

Proper sport this, reminds me of the old cock fighting days.

I’m sure this is just a little lull before it all kicks off again.

Given we’re in the midst of Le Tour, I think a comparison would be apt and yesterday was probably akin to the first big mountain stage. Fireworks ensued as expected but we all know there’s a few more mountain top finishes to come yet.

Overall, I reckon it’s fair to call it a draw. Dan had Farmer floundering. The big man responded with a cutting remark. Dan went for the jugular before inexplicably retiring and seemingly handing victory to Farmer. The big man then revelled in his apparent victory for a while before Dan came steaming back into it.

It reminded me of Roche and Delgado in '87 when Roche all but caught him on La Plagne and then collapsed afterwards.

Sensational stuff.

or Jan Ulrich thinking he had one of the stages wrapped up when TV footage showed Lance Armstrong panting and struggling miles behind, only for Armstrong to pull it out of the fire and catch out a napping Ulrich.