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[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 881170, member: 24”]I wonder if these lads would attend the funeral of a young lad who wasn’t on TV?

Just saying like.[/quote]
I’m sure they’ve gone to funerals of people not on tv in the past. He also requested it iirc and had met with some of the players, so not all that unusual, disappointing to see you try insinuate something sinister in what was a nice gesture of a sportsperson paying respects.

Carrying the coffin?

Yes, they should have refused the offer, how disgusting of them to wish to show their support and gratitude to someone they had become close to.

Yeah the chap was a big Munster rugby fan and had been in contact wIth the team a fair bit before his death. I doubt very much that the rugby players sidled up the church during the service and decided to carry out the coffin against the family’s wishes when they saw the TV cameras. Having been to a number of Irish funerals I would suspect that it is more likely that the family asked them to carry out the coffins and any insinuations as to the players motives here are misplaced.

Pretty sad I’d say.

Check out the photo’s. :eek:

[quote=“carryharry, post: 881744, member: 1517”]

Check out the photo’s. :eek:[/quote]

Which ones? What are we supposed to see here?

Just noticed Paul galvin is still bullshitting away about moustaches and sweatshirts and the likes on twitter. He seems to be getting zero attention for this type of stuff now, you’d wonder how long he’ll keep it up.

Utter carnage. :eek:

was down in doolin thursday afternoon. told a few people to stop going down near the waves to take photos. one stupid git was down within ten feet of them.

not sure how it works along the rest of the west coast but all along there from the cliffs over to ballyvaughan the sea is not to be trusted if there is any wind.
you get eastern european lads going in there left right and centre because they go down fishing and think they are safe because the water is 15 feet below them.
when i was about fourteen or so my father told two yanks to come up from a ledge they were fishing on out along the rocks behind the toilets. they didn`t take it seriously until he got thick with them. five minutes after they came up a wave came up to within 6 inchs of where they were, completely out of the blue with no warning. it rose about 20 feet higher than the rest of the waves

They will be taking the free Audi a5 back soon no doubt. He may try and launch a menswear range but he is finding commercialising celebrity is tricky in a market as small as Ireland.

He should speak to Katy French, she had it nailed.

Not sure she did. The female of the species will usually use it as an opportunity to marry a man of substantial means.

The only thing she had nailed was the lid of her coffin


Ill nail your coffin too you fucking stalker cunt


Such a limited poster that all you got is smileys and dumb ratings. No wonder you couldnt score on tinder

Lisa Murphy then perhaps?

Tommy Bowe has filled the gap recently.