Social Networking Sites

Thats fuckin brilliant rtt


Post of the year

I have an urge to post that on my FB profile

You should do it as a series of posts.

One a day, until you’ve alienated 90% of your facebook “friends”

That’s totes amazeballs, lolzers… I only use facebook to post anti rugby, anti Irish and pro Patriots posts… Besides that I use it to read sports/history/news/fitness pages I have liked… I could unfriend 95% of the cunts on it or visa versa and I wouldn’t even notice.

Hi Mark:)

Aboy the kid! How’s the form today, pal?

@Mark Renton

When are you getting buffalo meat in again?

Jesus I’m like a new man today. Did you sleep well last night? Jesus this place is great isn’t it.

Is Facebook dying a death or whats the story?

Of my fb friends I’d say less than 5% of the people are responsible for 90% of the content.

Surely it’s time for the new trend to emerge?

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 884843, member: 332”]Is Facebook dying a death or whats the story?

Of my fb friends I’d say less than 5% of the people are responsible for 90% of the content.

Surely it’s time for the new trend to emerge?[/quote]

Facebook is fucked. It has zero appeal to the younger generation.

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 884843, member: 332”]Is Facebook dying a death or whats the story?

Of my fb friends I’d say less than 5% of the people are responsible for 90% of the content.

Surely it’s time for the new trend to emerge?[/quote]
Have you still got your Bebo login?

Its all about snapchat now anyway. What the fuck is snapchat anyway? Am I too old to figure it out at this stage?

[quote=“Julio Geordio, post: 884843, member: 332”]Is Facebook dying a death or whats the story?

Of my fb friends I’d say less than 5% of the people are responsible for 90% of the content.

Surely it’s time for the new trend to emerge?[/quote]

Its all about the snapchat these days. That and Tinder.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 884845, member: 180”]

Its all about snapchat now anyway. What the fuck is snapchat anyway? Am I too old to figure it out at this stage?[/quote]

For send pictures of your mickey to people

Interesting. And do they send pictures of their willies to you too?


Are you on snapchap pal?

One of these days fb are going to have to announce that it’s user numbers are falling, then start shorting the fuck out of it.

I haven’t bothered, but it seems very popular. Don’t know how snapchat would ever make any money of it though.

If this is sort of talk lads please give over and show a little consideration for the normal non homosexual people who post here.