Social Networking Sites

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 884840, member: 1786”]@Mark Renton

When are you getting buffalo meat in again?[/quote]

Not sure, pal… I’ll let you know as soon as. I may not be down there for a week or two myself.

They had it a few of weeks ago, but I wasn’t going home after work (on a Friday) so wouldn’t have had anywhere to put it. Looked good, and wasn’t too expensive.

@Julio Geordio

i think when facebook announced their most recent set of results (which beat expectations) they also mentioned there had been a fall off in the frequency of usage amongst the young teen market in US. The US is usually about a year ahead in terms of IT/web trends so expect this to becoming a bigger issue in the coming year.

[quote=“TreatyStones, post: 884863, member: 1786”]They had it a few of weeks ago, but I wasn’t going home after work (on a Friday) so wouldn’t have had anywhere to put it. Looked good, and wasn’t too expensive.

@Julio Geordio

i think when facebook announced their most recent set of results (which beat expectations) they also mentioned there had been a fall off in the frequency of usage amongst the young teen market in US. The US is usually about a year ahead in terms of IT/web trends so expect this to becoming a bigger issue in the coming year.[/quote]
They could give a shite about the US if they can make the top social networking site in India and china into the future.

Facebook have tried to buy snapchat

Facebook like Google have enough money (and for the moment smarts) to buy up the next disruptive technology
Facebok bought instagram for 1 billion
Valuations are bonkers
[]YouTube was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion.
]TweetDeck was acquired by Twitter for $40 million.
[]MapQuest was acquired by AOL for $1.1 billion.
]Zappos was acquired by Amazon for $1.2 billion.
[]PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion.
]MySpace (old MySpace, not new Myspace) was acquired for $580 million by News Corp, later sold again to Specific Media for around $35 million.
[*]Tumblr was acquired by Yahoo for $1.1 billion.

You tube is brilliant though

[quote=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 884868, member: 2272”]Facebook have tried to buy snapchat

Facebook like Google have enough money (and for the moment smarts) to buy up the next disruptive technology
Facebok bought instagram for 1 billion
Valuations are bonkers
[]YouTube was acquired by Google for $1.65 billion.
]TweetDeck was acquired by Twitter for $40 million.
[]MapQuest was acquired by AOL for $1.1 billion.
]Zappos was acquired by Amazon for $1.2 billion.
[]PayPal was acquired by eBay for $1.5 billion.
]MySpace (old MySpace, not new Myspace) was acquired for $580 million by News Corp, later sold again to Specific Media for around $35 million.
[*]Tumblr was acquired by Yahoo for $1.1 billion.

I’d say youtube and paypal could be classed as successes

The snapchat owner turned down a 3 billion bid from FB - he’s crazy, it’ll never be worth that.

Once companies try to monetise social media it drives people away from it. FB is no better now than a newsfeed of people liking and sharing items to win prizes. Once companies figure out a way to make money from either advertising or something else on Snapchat or Tinder, people will get bored of it and move onto the next fad.

To their credit, Twitter have been very good at this and the ads are very non-intrusive. Very easy to just unfollow people and keep your feed relevant to what you want. Can see it becoming far more sustainable than other networks and has the perfect mix of allowing people to balance personal and professional interests.

[[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 884835, member: 1796”]That’s totes amazeballs, lolzers… I only use facebook to post anti rugby, anti Irish and pro Patriots posts… Besides that I use it to read sports/history/news/fitness pages I have liked… I could unfriend 95% of the cunts on it or visa versa and I wouldn’t even notice.[/quote]

i post a huge amount of anti rugby stuff on FB as well, im sure you were over with me on the Justice for BOD facebook page during the British Lions tour.
Most of the negative feedback i have received tho is from birds, usually wives / partners of lads i know… these are the types of bitches who now have kids maybe 4 or 5, are up hanging around some rugby club and dream of sending the kids to Christians, my trolling post the ROG documentary was a celebration as well.
There is this other yoke who was in school with me who is now in “Dublin” and posts status updates from 37 Dawson Street and likes shit posted by Residence. No its ok for @briantinnion to go there but this yoke really thinks she is living the dream, he latest was her sitting in 37 Dawson Street holding a tiny dog , what the fuck, is she sjust 10 years behind the Celtic tiger or is this shit on the rise again?
actually yer man from the LovinDublin page who does those funny recipe / restaurant reviews had a lovely appraisal of the door staff of this 37 dawson steeet place the other week, he mooted that the tiger cubs were at it again and stated the place would go the way of cocoon, that other celtic tiger shithole

[quote=“mickee321, post: 884897, member: 367”][

i post a huge amount of anti rugby stuff on FB as well, im sure you were over with me on the Justice for BOD facebook page during the British Lions tour.
Most of the negative feedback i have received tho is from birds, usually wives / partners of lads i know… these are the types of bitches who now have kids maybe 4 or 5, are up hanging around some rugby club and dream of sending he kids to Christians, my trolling post the ROG documentary was a celebration as well[/quote]

The ROG post was classic. Fools falling over themselves with seethingness.

Send us a link to it there, pal… The is great for the old rugger comments also.

I’ll send you on the PM I got

Check the whatsapp group message

Stop screenshotting my snapchats.

[quote=“Mac, post: 884895, member: 109”]The snapchat owner turned down a 3 billion bid from FB - he’s crazy, it’ll never be worth that.

Once companies try to monetise social media it drives people away from it. FB is no better now than a newsfeed of people liking and sharing items to win prizes. Once companies figure out a way to make money from either advertising or something else on Snapchat or Tinder, people will get bored of it and move onto the next fad.

To their credit, Twitter have been very good at this and the ads are very non-intrusive. Very easy to just unfollow people and keep your feed relevant to what you want. Can see it becoming far more sustainable than other networks and has the perfect mix of allowing people to balance personal and professional interests.[/quote]

Haven’t twitter started with more and more of these “promoted tweets”? It’ll get worse.

spot me a pm to pal.

[quote=“Mac, post: 884895, member: 109”]
To their credit, Twitter have been very good at this and the ads are very non-intrusive. Very easy to just unfollow people and keep your feed relevant to what you want. Can see it becoming far more sustainable than other networks and has the perfect mix of allowing people to balance personal and professional interests.[/quote]

Ya but twitter lose a bucket load of money every year

Haven’t noticed much change myself to be honest.

Really? How much?

[quote=“Mac, post: 884952, member: 109”]Haven’t noticed much change myself to be honest.

Really? How much?[/quote]

Tens of millions.

A regulatory filing yesterday revealed that Twitter will list its shares on the NYSE instead of the traditionally tech-friendly Nasdaq Stock Exchange.

The documents also disclosed Twitter’s financial results for the three months ending in September. The San Francisco company lost 65 million dollars (£40.7 million), tripling from the same time last year.

Snapchat was great gas for a while but being able to screenshot the pics is a disaster and that is what it holding it back.