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@The Scouse Cafu, at least you had your shot mate. I recently found out that my version of your girl recently broke up with her boyfriend of 7 years. I reckon I was in love with her in first year in college and in hindsight I might have had her then but was too shy to go for it and stayed stuck in the friend zone. Anyway, I found out recently she’s broke up with your man and got all excited, but turns out this happened while I was abroad and by the time I got back she had a new boyfriend. Window missed. Fuck it.

I am sure that @glasagusban will be able to fix him up with somebody.

Agreed, he is an expensive failure.

Has David Breen a few brothers available?


Scouse, just let us know when you are landing in Dublin airport. Daddy said he’d run meself and Concepta up there to greet you upon your return. We’ll wear our lowest of the low tops.

I’m not sure how accurate this tool for seeing who looks at your page is (probably not accurate at all) but I got some interesting results from it anyway.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1002253, member: 183”]

I’m not sure how accurate this tool for seeing who looks at your page is (probably not accurate at all) but I got some interesting results from it anyway.[/QUOTE]

You didn’t give that yoke your password did you?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1002253, member: 183”]

I’m not sure how accurate this tool for seeing who looks at your page is (probably not accurate at all) but I got some interesting results from it anyway.[/QUOTE]

And I bet you only had to give them two credit cards to get access to the site?

Bank account details and passport number, mate.

If you gave them access to your facebook they’ll probably find all that stuff anyway.
I hope the email account you have on facebook doesn’t have the same password as your facebook.


[QUOTE=“Julio Geordio, post: 1002364, member: 332”]If you gave them access to your facebook they’ll probably find all that stuff anyway.
I hope the email account you have on facebook doesn’t have the same password as your facebook.[/QUOTE]
It doesn’t, but it does have the same password as my Clare Hurlers forum account.

The lovely Anna Geray of Cork Camogie is available to answer your questions on twitter in 20 mins… Tweet using #GAAQnA

Here she is with the best corner back in the country, Seamie Hickey of Murroe-Boher and Limerick.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1011521, member: 168”]The lovely Anna Geray of Cork Camogie is available to answer your questions on twitter in 20 mins… Tweet using #GAAQnA

Here she is with the best corner back in the country, Seamie Hickey of Murroe-Boher and Limerick.[/QUOTE]
Do we still have that TweeTFK thing here @Rocko?

Anna Geary, a dog from north cork who thinks she’s some form of celebrity? Ask me questions on twitter, go fuck off who do you think you are like

Have some respect you little scrote, that woman is a Rose.

She obviously ignored Sam’s question.

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No wonder McGeeney imposed a media ban with that level of vitriol to media appearances. Players are asked to do these things and if they say yes they are damned and if they say no they are damned.

Lots of kids playing camogie probably look up to her and she is a better role model than a lot of what passes for celebrity these days. It’s harmless stuff and no need to get worked up over it.

She isn’t your demographic but we all have to get up for work in the morning

Roses must always be treated with respect and some people on this thread would do well to remember that.

But somebody really should ask her what the fuck happened with her make up on the night.