Social Networking Sites

I’m in the opposite lane there Bandage, I was at a party on Saturday, hosted by a first cousin, and chatted to a fair few females at the party. I have since added the cousin, so there is a fair few birds out there now that I would like to add but not sure if it’s the “right” thing to do or not. Then again, not really sure if there is any right thing to do in this situation.

Never mind the friends, just work on banging the cousin.

[quote=“Bandage”]Was chatting to a bird I know in the pub on Friday. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of years but she’s added me as a friend on Facebook today. I’m taking this as firm evidence that she wants a piece of me. Is my conclusion correct and should I commence sending her tasteful naked images of myself?

Would doubt that she wants a piece of you. You threw the head in once and she was all ‘where’s this going’ shite didn’t you say?

That was probably the first time you spoke to her, first time you threw the head and she was looking for committment.

Gordon Bennett!

Also her nose has grown about three inches since I saw her last. Still would though.

There are some on here that would, and probably even have, no doubt. Just requested one of the mates there, I will probably regret this.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Would doubt that she wants a piece of you. You threw the head in once and she was all ‘where’s this going’ shite didn’t you say?

That was probably the first time you spoke to her, first time you threw the head and she was looking for committment.

Gordon Bennett!

Also her nose has grown about three inches since I saw her last. Still would though.[/quote]

Tremendous blowing to pieces of Bandage’s carefully constructed illusion of him being a man about town. :smiley:

I never even tried to create that illusion Sledge.

Farmer’s right though - I scored her ages ago and she said something like, ‘I’m not even sure we should be kissing - I’m going travelling soon and I don’t think this can go anywhere’.

Birds are great for a laugh.

What a joke, this comes back to what I was saying before, there is far too much shite on the telly these days, and birds watch far too much of it. AS a result, they have to turn just about everything into a total fucking drama. If you think about it, we really should be out and about trying to make a genuine attempt to meet members of the opposite sex because we are the last generation who can actually do this. The kids who are coming up behind us in future generations are going to be total social cripples relying on the likes of facebook to get their ho- oh wait :smiley:

[quote=“Bandage”] ‘I’m not even sure we should be kissing - I’m going travelling soon and I don’t think this can go anywhere’.


she wasn’t talking about a relationship, she was talking about going home and you not getting any :smiley:


That gets back to the point about adding friends on Facebook. I recall saying ages ago that you adopted an attacking formation and added away to your heart’s content - birds from college, your cousin’s mates from a party etc.

I adopt a very conservative approach and don’t really add anyone, instead waiting…and waiting…and waiting some more for people to add me.

Well this bird has been known to be quite gamey with a few pints.

Despite being intoxicated with beer she managed to muster the brain power to come up with the one thing that will make blokes run a mile away from her.

Fair play to her I say.

Doesn’t reflect well on Bandage though!

I adopt a very conservative approach and don’t really add anyone, instead waiting…and waiting…and waiting some more for people to add me.[/quote]

I’m sure that has its advantages, I just cannot possibly think of what they might be. If you adopt that attitude in every part of your life you are going to end up going through some droughts rivalling Robbie Keane’s.

Strange question but what does poking someone on facebook mean?

A bit of jiggery pokery never goes amiss, be it virtual or otherwise.

whatever you want it to

Join the Kevin Pullein Appreciation group there Mac, needs more members.

I’ve just got an invite to join some lads group in mafia wars - this could get interesting

It all makes sense now Sledge. The Brassic one would be proud of you :wink: It all “ties” together :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh-oh, I should probably get that but don’t :wink:

Ah, I talk to the odd bird in person on the rare occasion. But I think there’s something a bit odd, even creepy, about adding someone on Facebook that you might only have spoken to once previously or something - the searching for them etc. I know it’s a social networking site but I use it mainly to leave sarcasic comments on mates’ pages. Anyway, I play tag rugby in order to widen my social circle and to meet women. It’s a great game - you should try it.

:wink: no reason why one can’t use facebook for both purposes, to leave sarcastic comments and also for doing the odd bit of perving