Some bin help please


Shure its only sent to Belgium to be burned anyways,im actually helping by burning it at home otherwise it has to be collected by a bin lorry taken into limerick,baled and wrapped in plastic,loaded by a forklift,trucked up to the dock,unloaded onto a boat and then sent to Belgium to be burned.Im just cutting out the middlemen


Recycling day today. Plenty of random bags and
empty milk cartons and the like passing through the garden this morning. Keeping the bin from cartwheeling down the street is the name of the game. Neighbours are taking no chances and have hefted a baysht of a shtone on top of the bin.

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Binmen are ignorant bastard by an large. When confronted with a half concrete block or stone on a bun lid, instead of sliding it onto the wall beside the bin, they just fuck it on the ground. I’ve observed this cross multiple properties.

Would you blame them?

Yes, I would.

You’d think binmen would show some care and pride in their work, but alas no.

Why should they have to move it at all?

That’s where the square bale comes in. Mighty for the jobéén.

Should I be waiting out there on a windy morning and take it off for them?

If you’re going to be fussy about where it’s left afterwards I’d suggest you should

I’ll give you a bit of advice for free here Ambrose. I have a bungee cord tied to the bin. If the weather looks like being a bit windy I affix the grapple hooks in such a manner that the lid won’t blow open. The binmen are well versed in undoing the grapple hooks.


Do they tie them into a knot and fuck the on the ground?

No they don’t.

There’s a better class of binman in the Pale.

We changed bin providers recently… Between the jigs and the wheels we hadn’t had the waste collected in a month and the old provider are taking the bins back tomorrow, empty. They wouldn’t take the waste… I was gonna get into a dingdong with them and threaten to leave the bin over on the green across the road and they could collect it at their leisure. But after recalling the garbage episode of the sopranos i thought better of it… I moved the waste contents from old to new bin earlier and hosed down the old bin. The smell of the month old nappies and waste is still stuck up my nostrils… i nearly gawked at once stage as dog shit, nappy bag and waste bag had all melted into one reeking slimey entity :nauseated_face:



Joys of fatherhood kid- count your blessings you never had to wash the terylene ones down the jacks
Then dry them off in front of the fire
House used stink all avidly in the winter

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Got shtung myself the August Bank Holiday Monday as the waste bin was meant to go out on the Friday and I was away. Nappies stewing away in the high 20s for the bones of a month is not great, there was a fair bang coming off it for the last week especially without even opening the lid. I was relieved to be wheeling it back in empty off the street this evening.