Speed Cameras

He was going so fast he didnā€™t even see the speed van.

Thatā€™s a scurrilous accusation ---- It was pitch dark.

You couldnā€™t even see where you were going and you were still flying?!

You stupid bastard.

Very quick turnaround to be getting the notification out :thinking:

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Iā€™d feel safer if you switched to public transport to be honest

Yeah - less than a week.

Says the man guiding planes in the run way and he hammered drunk half the time.

Where abouts where you caught anyway. For reference likeā€¦

Near Grenagh (Kilmona)

They donā€™t hang around with the serious cases


The outside lane is still only 100km/h. Just for future reference bro.

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Yes Harold, but we are all guilty of a little va va voom to over take.

Iā€™ll be paying the charge.

Nor the big massive flash they make when they go off in the dark.

Iā€™m up in the District Court next week for not dealing with a penalty points notification for speeding, 57 in a 50 zone. The original notification was sent to the wrong address. The registered letter for court summons after the 56 days ran out also had the wrong address on it but the postman spotted name and delivered it to our house.

Best of luck with it. Try put on a mick accent - that cockney one will do you.

Theyā€™ll throw the book at you.

They will. As @anon61878697 has said, the cockney accent will sink me.

The postman mugged you off good and proper.

He knew right well what it was.


Thought the Vans are clocked for +8km over . Contest it and youā€™ll get off .