What is there to be gained from having your mouth burned off you with seriously spicy food? There’s no additional wonderful taste - just a heap of discomfort and a need to go for a piss following the deluge of water you take to quell the ‘sensation’.
What is si great about food that burns the mouth off you?
You can’t even taste the core food that you are eating.
It seems to me like Irish fans of spicy food are like Irish fans of New Order. Think it makes them shrug off some sort inferiority complex they have about being uncultured when all it does it further enhance the inferiority complex.
Different people have different levels of sensitivity. You can’t handle heat obviously, you pansy.
Also, taste receptors are different to the ones that feel heat from spicy food. There is no reason you can’t still taste the flavour of the food as well as the heat, so you’re wrong there.