Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

Covid would surely give them more scope as the revenue streams there to sustain such a model are greatly reduced.

That would be the worry alright if the opportunity for reform off the back of this is not seized.

There will never be a better opportunity to push for reforms than off the back of this but the few big clubs who wield all the power are sadly only driven by ego and self interest. Chances are it will bring about a European Super league of the main teams rather than an opportunity to rebuild the game across Europe

The salary cap would be of most benefit to the owners of the clubs

It would mean that all clubs are on a level ish playing field and that the big boys cannot just accumulate key players for smaller clubs just to be squad filler or just buy a heap of galacticos and would help those outside the handful of big clubs build teams.

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This is an interesting time for association football.

There is the absolutely correct assertion that broadcast revenue is king and that the Premier League has that huge moat there, but they also have a brand that needs to be maintained. A big part of that brand is the crowds in my view, playing a whole year without them could really damage that.

They’re in a better position than most to respond to this, but it isn’t an absolute. It could be carnage if they don’t get it right. A European Super League could be the end result alright.

The issue there is you need international harmony on this. The Saudis and Quatar backers will happily bring players to the middle east on bumper contracts (and none of the health concerns) if the EPL tries that. As mentioned, the value of playing the PL will decline big time without crowds, it is just an assembly of good players then.

Agreed, you would need serious backing and political will to deliver this and it doesn’t exist. Too much of a split and vested interest.

If anything it would be an opportunity to allow football to have a greater reach in relation to the top players playing across the world. Salary cap would mean that in theory in order for top players to maximise earnings some will need to go to Middle East, Asia, USA, stay in South America etc and grow the domestic league there to support this.

Something like a €3 million a week maximum per team. Top player can make a max of 10% of that. Top four earners can make up a max of 25%. Other 75% split over the other 21 players in first team squad. Average wages would still be relatively high but stops teams just accumulating players for the sake of it.



What about the rules for loans and a cap on the number players any one team can register? It would stop the bigger clubs hoarding younger talents.

Salary cap would be the best solution but just can’t see it ever coming to pass. FFP is a sort of salary cap and it hasn’t worked.

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I think there’s a cap on loans already coming in or at least there was plans for it pre-Covid

It’s one of the reasons why Rangers converted so much debt to equity.

Breaking news:
Galway Bay fm Sport understands that Croke Park will be officially telling county boards to stand down all senior county panels and associated personnel within the next 24 hours. There will not be any GAA championship until October at the earliest, if at all, and that counties will get 6 weeks notice to resume training if it is to take place.

Image may contain: crowd, stadium and outdoor

I told ye this last week @the_man_himself and @Julio_Geordio wouldn’t listen.

Huh? Find these posts for me

Winter hurling in its truest form

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Sure they already more or less announced it wouldn’t be on until October. Clubs to go back first, it’s not even news, never mind breaking news


Faero islands starting back next week

Welcome to 3 weeks ago

Anyone who is anyone knew this ages back.

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Its a scoop, perhaps the biggest exclusive TFK has ever seen