Sports return dates after Covid 19 shutdowns

Fuck off Gerard. The people are out from under their beds and they aren’t going back

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Oh, all eyes will be on the Blues. Be good to see an Auckland team competitive again. Long time since king Carlos was jigging about

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How am I supposed to say “Tipperary cunts “ with a face mask on ??


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Chiefs one behind now with eight left

The GAA need to open it up to fuck.

Dead duck drop goal to finish it

Gatty’s young lad gives him the knife

Poor ol Chiefs, always the same with them.


One for the Casualties thread?

Sport is back in 2 days!

Huh? My serve is the big winner of this pandemic

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The IPTV servers will be flat out

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in fairness we never had issues with social distancing

It was a horrible few months but it will be great to have sport back.

I enjoyed the Championship League Snooker last week.

We go again.

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