Spotify and other music streaming services

In the old days it was called censorship and it was justified on basis the great unwashed’s minds were too fragile to be exposed to deviant or scurrilous ideas. We rightly realised that was wrong and a nonsense and now society is in danger of regressing.

Have you any idea how wide and varied the type of guest he has on? Is it plausible people couldd dip in and out of episodes without being a right wing zealot?

The fact that you believe what I posted about Ivermectin is nonsense exposes you as a dullard with zero understanding of medicine or science. Repurposing drugs is commonplace in medicine, the use of steroids to treat Covid an example. It’s also not off topic, ask who Joe Rogan is and many will describe him as the guy who had Covid and took horse dewormer.

I have never promoted Ivermectin, here or elsewhere. My belief is that it should have had a well funded clinical trial as it is a strong antiviral, demonstrated efficacy in vitro, and is cheap and widely available. The last point is the most relevant one.

It is of course, ye couldn’t all be right wing zealots. I just think you’d have to be a bit dim or have some bit of a want in you go listening to some stupid fat american fucker like him at all, let alone do it and think you’re informing yourself.

People don’t listen to Joe Rogan to hear what he has to say you dimwit, they listen to hear what his guests have to say.

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You just need to bring up CNN now and you’ll have completed your bingo card of irrelevant points nobody is debating but your narrow mind doesn’t seem to allow you to think beyond your own jaundiced worldview.

An irrelevant essay on Ivermectin is not the slam dunk rebuttal of echo chambers you seem to think it is.



Is Joe Rogan where the likes of @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy and @gaillimhmick get their ideas?

Lolz just see @TheUlteriorMotive is a fan of the bould Joe.

On a scale of 0 -10 in terms of understand the science and medicine involved in the Ivermectin topic, I would be about a 7 (that’s being humble). You and most on here are zeros. But don’t feel bad, @glasagusban is a negative.

I don’t know, but if they listened to him it’d give you a steer I’d say.

I can assure you that you’re not being humble. Don’t feel bad, it’s just not something you’re capable of.

These one minute clips you have viewed, who is sharing them and to make what points? Do you think they have watched the entire interview? Do they have an opinion or agenda that they want to push themselves? Are they a ‘trusted’ source of information. You can allow these opinions to form your view on rogan or the topics he is discussing? You can have your opinion but I challenge you to see is it your belief of the show or the belief you get from seeing the opinions that you see based on the algorithm on twitter.

Very easy to jump to conclusions based on what you see online. We saw it a few weeks ago after the tragic murder of the teacher. A man was arrested, his name all over the Internet with people judge jury and executioner that he was guilty. A poster on here said hold off and let the gardai finish their investigation, this man was not the man who did it. The guards arrested the correct suspect in the end.

Anyone who listens to the show will know he constantly says not to take his word on any topic outside of mma or comedy as he’s not an expert but a moron. Of you base you life on what JR says your a moron. It’s about the guests and he’s very good at asking the right questions to get them to share their expertise

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Why do you keep asking that? It’s irrelevant. Do you demand that I read all the bible or all the koran before I make my mind up on whether I want to be part of their religions?

There you go again… Insult Joe to insult his listeners by association. Lots of that going on with left leaning people. And people aren’t listening to Joe, tho that obviously isn’t true of everyone… you’ve clearly no idea of what the podcast is and how it works. In 99% of shows he’s merely asking questions or will convey his experience of something to see if the expert he is interviewing can explain how Joe’s experience fits in to their area of expertise. I’d say you need to get yourself a bit more informed. And also, Joe is in great shape.


Its completely relevant when you compare 1 minute to 2/3 hours of conversation. Do you go into a work meeting and expect to understand the context from a minute?

Abraham religions are all basically the same. The majority of the bible is in the Koran so its not difficult to decide if you read both. Irrelevant point no less

Joe rarely espouses an idea. When/If he does it’s in the context of a back and forth conversation with an expert in a given field for clarity.

You lads screaming about disinformation are incredibly misinformed.

Boohoo mate.


You’re argument is destroyed. Very adult of you.