Spotify and other music streaming services

You must be some sort of super genius. Well done. Us mere mortals arenā€™t worthy

Itā€™s like David Blunkett being offended by the brass eye Christmas special



Itā€™s a sad reflection on the Internet generation, they know everything about nothing.

Everything must have a simple explanation. Ireland and western Europe is riddled with misogynist culture. Immigrants to Ireland need to be warned in advance in case this extreme culture infects them and they end up murdering innocent young women or raping innocent old women.


Still lonely Mike?

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world of warcraft legion GIF


Iā€™m enjoying my transition to centre right, tho Iā€™m probably more centre than centre right, but Iā€™m certainly not centre left, not exclusively anyway. If centre right is wrong I donā€™t ever want to be left.

Youā€™re a dangerous bastard and need to be cancelled.


Donā€™t they say that people move from left to right as they older?

They do. More life experience Vs idealism of youth.

A predictable move for you so.

God help him but poor @Thomas_Brady is a walking clichƩ.

Youā€™d hope so,ā€¦ what kind of fuck head has the same world view at 40 as they did at 20. Someone thatā€™s stood still is who

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The important thing is being comfortable in your own skin and not worrying about about how others perceive you. Then youā€™ll always be a legend.

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Where did I say I was a fan?

I specifically said Iā€™d only listen if guest was of interest.

Your eyesight must be bad under the bed

ā€œA man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.ā€

Muhammad Ali

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Lolz I just googled him. An MMA grunt is just the type of lad the mentallers would seek medical advice from :smiley::smiley:. Ah jaysus.

Medical advice? What? You need to Google again mate.

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Joe Rogan never called me a n*gger.

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