Spotify and other music streaming services

Us idiots have to get our views on mushrooms somewhere …


:rofl: :sweat_smile:


Blunt seems a top top man


It’s gas lads in their 30s and 40s still listening to self help podcasts

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I could have missed it but who is listening to self help podcasts? Also, are you suggesting people older than 30 are above introspection?

Fuck sake

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@the_man_himself knows it all, he has nothing left to learn

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I like this forum thanks to the generally affable ability of folk to disagree, I don’t think moderation is visible or severe.
Try not to throw personal insults in a heated argument it does not help matters and doesn’t reflect well on the poster either.

We have had two years of resilience testing on the back of ten years economic recovery, people are strained, tired, excited, sad, delighted, worn out, energised, ecstatic and depressed

Keep that in mind and try to make us laugh instead of increasing our blood pressure



Any podcast with Jordan Peterson is a self help podcast

Anyone who uses a JP, Tony Robbins, Joe Rogan, Joe Wick or other celebrity as a guiding light for their life needs to assess themselves. They can only speak of what worked from them. What people should take from these folks is they have a system that works for them and apply a system for themselves, maybe elements from these people will help but everyone is different. Doing gym sessions, eating like and taking steroids like Dwayne Johnson isn’t going to make you the Rock.

From what I understand @Thomas_Brady is using these podcasts for is to understand these people, digesting it for himself, questioning what may be bullshit and applying what he feels may work for him.

But Who’s carrying the Boats!

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You’re worse replying in earnest.

Or rather that listening to it is an indicator you need help.

The Joe Rogan set are very touchy

It’s gas really. You get anyone saying they don’t like Rogan or Peterson and you’ll immediately have 40 histrionic posts defending them and screaming that they’re trying to cancel Rogan. Who are the snowflakes again?

Lads chatting away on a chat forum. You literally couldn’t make it up

Doesn’t take much to set them off

There really is something for everybody with Joe Rogan. Even the lads who don’t listen to him won’t stop posting about him

I might give the sleep one and the Bill Burr one a listen in appropriate time segments In due course

I don’t think that happened. What we had was you hopping away on the keyboard lashing out obscenities and a lot of misinformation. You just don’t like being corrected and being asked to calm down.