Spotify and other music streaming services

It makes the world go around sure.

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You should form a support group.

The only people silenced on here have either been racist (generally on multiple occasions) or wildly personally abusive or have chosen that path themselves.

Iā€™ll invite you to message me with your grievances where I can file them appropriately. I note the original complainant has chosen not to pursue his complaint. Itā€™s great that I provide a platform for the meek and timid who feel disenfranchised by the overbearing moderation style and the famously strict censorship.

The past few years now you have attempted to turn the place into your own woke, far left outer haven and are intent to surround yourself with the usual snowflake arse lickers. Itā€™s your forum and you can save the no ones forcing you to stay line(you are having to use that one far more frequently why is that I wonder?)

Anyone who has a difference of opinion to you is labelled a racist or a bigot or misogynist etc but you have no problem in taking a few bob into the paw off the same posters when the place requires ā€œgeneral upkeepā€.


I really shouldnā€™t bother giving that sort of baseless tirade the time of day because itā€™s clearly founded from a place of delusion. But Iā€™m feeling generous.

Firstly, I donā€™t recall calling anyone out for misogyny. Perhaps I did. Certainly not frequently. I think a casual observer looking at TFK would not feel that it is a place that has been hostile to misogynists. It probably should be called out more often, but Iā€™ve enough to be doing most of the time. So thatā€™s just a wild opinion.

There have been occasionally instances of racism and bigotry. I wonā€™t apologise for calling that out when I see it. There is plenty that passes me by and goes unnoticed. Other times I come across it and invariably take action. Itā€™s something I feel strongly about and always have. Before you joined and since you joined. Oh and in real life too. Any perceived trend in recent years you have observed exists only in your head. Iā€™ve always had zero tolerance for racism.

It says an awful lot about you that your problem with my moderation is my intolerance for racism.

The woke argument is, once again, nonsensical. Itā€™s a lazy term that canā€™t really be applied to a forum and certainly canā€™t be applied to TFK. Unless you have a massive chip on your shoulder and want your worldview validated by every single person in every single post.

Let me make something clear - I donā€™t run TFK so everyone can have an opinion except for me. If I have a certain opinion Iā€™ll voice it if I feel like it. If others disagree Iā€™ll challenge them. If topics get out of control Iā€™ll very very occasionally (maybe once every 2 months) move some posts to a new topic. If someone uses racist terms or constantly undermines people from a certain ethnicity or race then, once again, I make no apologies for deleting and banning or suspending. If you canā€™t meet that exceptionally low bar then good luck in life.

And finally, and probably most importantly, the money comment is frankly disgusting. Iā€™d say TFK is funded about 25% from voluntary donations and 75% by me. Iā€™ve never forced anyone to donate, never had an issue with anyone who didnā€™t or couldnā€™t donate and have gone out of my way to avoid anyone feeling any pressure to contribute.

Iā€™m offered many more donations than I ever accept. I very very rarely go asking if anyone wants to contribute. When I do, itā€™s usually through a competition.

So what you can do for yourself is you can take your righteous tone and fuck right off with it. Iā€™ll hand you back your precious entry fees for competitions and you can spend them building your own woke free zone. You can look at the money back in your grubby paw then instead of wasting your time on here.

If you could take one bit of advice from me for your life: Be a cunt all you want. But donā€™t be a mean cunt. Nobody likes a mean cunt.



This fella knows a thing or 2 about going against the establishment and consensus.


Thatā€™s nice.
Was I banned from the racism thread? Any particular reason. Iā€™ve asked a few times and get nothing back but sarcastic comments to myself or other posters. Clearly racism is something you like to say you donā€™t tolerate. That may be so, but I hope youā€™re better than to use me to try and further that impression.

Iā€™d also like a clarification what I was banned for.

If alleged racism, please point it out. Criticising BLM and believing Kyle Rittenhouse was innocent are not examples of either.

If itā€™s for personal abuse, well then yes, carry on


Late to the party here, but why the big backlash against Rogan at the moment? Because he had Peterson on?

Before I goā€¦

He was oiutf and said that young healthy people didnā€™t need vaccines.

The lads that were outraged by the doggie rapes in the park have been left with egg on their faces. Someone has got to pay.

I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.

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The podder seems to have contributed to your personal growth and tolerance levels anyway :clap:

Thatā€™s pretty cuntish now in fairness


Itā€™s mad. Iv never listened to one minute of Rogan or Peterson and know zero about either but @Rocko mentioned he didnā€™t agree with some comment in a clip that he saw and a hape of lads who listen to the podder cutting briars or walking the dog are gone mad over the comments


Lads are free to criticise left wingers but leave their demagogues alone