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Joe Rogan is bigger than all of them

A bad beat for @glenshane @Thomas_Brady and the lads

That’s cute. Is it possible that on some occasions he’s talking about vaccines in general, while on others he’s talking about a specific vaccine? I dunno. You’re smarter than me, you work it our

The story of OJ…. Sort of

This is excellent by Trevor Noah.


People in glass houses Trev……

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He’s a horrible bastard.


Oh dear - in addition to being an anti-Semite
he makes racist jokes about Indians and Pakistanis

I don’t think he should be cancelled but needs to work on his own self awareness before he rushes to jump headfirst onto a bandwagon

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Joe should get him on for a interview

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I was listening to the Dr Epstein interview with Joe on my drive to the office this afternoon.

I was like Henry Hill with the paranoia by the time I got in.

Hard to believe lads on here are still using S&M browsers and phones.

Any lad with an Android phone needs to get rid of it ASAP.

The malignant influence of Dark Tech left me uncomfortable for the evening until I went to the gym at 6.15 and managed to find my zen.


Get on duckduckgo and starting using brave, your life will change in ways you never thought possible. These fuckers in big tech have horrible plans

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Those cars driving around taking photos for Google street view was hoovering up wi fi data as well.

I’m not entirely sure what your point in posting this clip beside Jay-Z’s Story of OJ is.

Are you trying to say that it’s OK to say the N word whenever you want because Jay-Z says it a lot in this song?

In this song Jay-Z is trying to say that no matter how talented or successful a black person is in America he will still be viewed and treated with contempt, as a member of the social construct referred colloquially as a nXgger and will never be allowed to rise above that.

There is no context to the Joe Rogan use of nXgger so I can’t tell why he is saying the word and therefore I won’t condemn him. I also don’t care about Joe Rogan enough to bother finding out. I should say also that I’m not one of those people who thinks that it is always wrong for a white person to use that word, because in an academic or quasi-academic sense, when a white person wants to try and analyse / break-down that cultural construct, it is cumbersome to do so without saying what it is actually called (ie. it’s difficult to talk about the social construct of the nXgger without actually saying the word nXgger and it’s also a bit ridiculous).

So I’m not jumping to condemn Joe Rogan and I also dont give a shit about Joe Rogan either way but I’m just curious pal, what the fuck is your point?

No sign of Neil Young’s Cortez the Killer original version on Spotify @Thomas_Brady

Is there anyone who’s interacted with Joe who thinks he’s a racist?

Trevor Noah is a scumbag.