St Patrick's Day

As is tradition…

I had a raging thirst on me all week waiting for Paddy’s day but I had the same dose as yourself when I woke this morning. Half the country seem to have it. It’s probably Covid but fuck that at this stage

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PM me your eircode there pal and I’ll drop off a few more for you later this morning. No point in both of us being tied up for the day.

You could nearly leave my eldest in charge for an hour and she’d manage and you could nip out for a swift 10k.


Oh man, the head is in bits. A wanton disgrace of a day.

You should be ashamed of yourself

I’m not gonna lie Mike, I am.

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We need an " absolutely disgraceful shit I’ve just seen " thread for proper reports of a night out on the town

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A few lads after boarding the train in Clara and I’d say they are coming down hard. Tough gig.



Isn’t he some long distant relation to Biden or someone? He mentioned something like that on Woolies podcast.

They are getting fat

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Correct. Biden is relating to both the Kearneys and Laurita.

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I was talking to a fella last night and he bought a mountain of fertilizer early this year and he is seriously contemplating selling the fertilizer and taking the year off such is the price rise he is sitting on

He must not be a farmer

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He should sell the fertilizer, bag the profit. Then get a grant from the government to buy more. Thats what a real farmer would do

What would a fake farmer do?

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Dallas star Patrick Duffy will be this year’s guest of honour at the Dublin parade. Apparently it promises to be the best one yet.

Bobby Ewing no less. The man who provided the inspiration for this old classic….