St Patrick's Day

Very good. He should bring JR along with him if he’s still alive.

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Proper order for the jackeens

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What about heroin?

That’s not sold in shops.

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Get yours quick they are going fast

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Thats a lovely shirt

The jersey weirdos will be on soon to complain about the buttons


Lovely collar on that.

Some of the boys naughty last year?

I returned this morning from a stag in Dingle. Had to criss cross North Kerry to avoid parades and road closures before eventually running into one in Duagh. To go back would have been pointless and I was in no great rush so I said I’d take in the parade.

It was hilarious, there was no one watching the parade because from what I can make out the whole village was in it. Every cunt that owned a tractor in a 5 mile radius was in it. I’m not talking about vintage tractors now, most of them were just ordinary tractors. Big culchie heads on em smiling away to themselves. Then a load of lads on motorbikes in the middle of it. For no apparent reason. Then just trailer loads of people. Packed into them. No decoration on the trailer and not representing any group or anything just like 50 people packed like sardines on the back of a trailer. Young and old. And they loving life.

But undoubtedly the highlight was the Duagh Graveyard Caretakers group. Unlike everyone else they had a fucking sign made up, and 3 wans sitting in a trailer on a bale of hay with two lawnmowers in the back. I was in stitches but seemed to be the only one who found it amusing.

Anyway a lovely display of rural tweeness


And i thought we had a great day out watching 500 kids from Douglas gaa parade through the village… Daugh booked for next year

Some lad doing wreck in Stradbally today

Furby is in bother

Is that the lad driving or the poor lad that was struck?

Those who know know

It’s one parade fucked forever more

Did someone die?

Ah wait til next years premium comes in :smile::smile: